
3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound in the Treatment of Pain From Bone Metastases of Solid Tumors

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Philips Sonalleve 3 Tesla MR-HIFU device for treating painful bone metastases.
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio e la cura dei Tumori
Inclusion Criteria:

- Radiologic evidence of bone metastases (BM) from any solid tumors in patients with age
≥ 18 years

- Patient capable of giving informed consent and able to attend study visits

- All target lesion (s) at intended treatment site accessible for MR-HIFU Distance
Skin-lesion (target) > 1 cm

- Patient has 1-3 painful lesions, and only the most painful lesion will be treated

- Weight < 140 Kg

- Intended target volume visible by non-contrast MRI

- Patient able to characterize pain at site of target lesion (s), before and after the

- MR-HIFU treatment date ≥ 2 weeks from last local treatment of the target lesion

Exclusion Criteria:

- Planned treatment lesion is a primary bone tumor Patient enrolled in another clinical
study related to bone metastases treatment or pain relief treatment

- Unable to tolerate required stationary position during treatment

- Need for surgical stabilization in case of (impending) fracture (lytic lesion in
weight-bearing bone larger than 50% of bone diameter)

- Pregnant woman

- Pain related to target lesion is predominantly due to fracture or impending fracture

- Pain related to target lesion is due to involvement of a neighboring major nerve by
the metastatic tumor (cord or nerve compression)

- Target < 3cm from bladder / bowel / nerve along the beam path and < 1cm in the plane
orthogonal to the beam

- Target in contact with hollow viscera

- Target located in skull, joints, ribs (when HIFU beam overlapping with lung), spine
(excluding sacrum which is allowed) or sternum.

- Scar along proposed HIFU beam path

- Internal or external fixation device along the proposed HIFU beam path or at the

- MRI contraindicated (e.g. paramagnetic implants, pacemaker, claustrophobia)

- MRI contrast agent contraindicated (e.g. previous anaphylaxis or glomerular filtration
rate < 30 ml/min/1.73m2)

- Sedation contraindicated

- Clinically relevant medical history or abnormal physical findings that could interfere
with the safety of the participant as judged by the treating physician or