
A Comparative Study of KHK6188

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This is a placebo-controlled, double blind, crossover study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of KHK6188 in postherpetic neuralgia when administered orally for 2 weeks.
Phase 2
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Kyowa Hakko Kirin Company, Limited
Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd.
Inclusion Criteria:

- Patients with pain for ≥ 3 months and ≤ 1 year following onset of a herpes zoster rash

- Patients with a mean pain intensity score (11-point numerical rating scale) of ≥ 4

- Patients whose rash has been healed

- Patients who are able to fill their patient diary

- Patients who provided written voluntary informed consent to participate in the study

Exclusion Criteria:

- Patients who have other pain or disease which may impair the self assessment of pain

- Patients who have dementia, depression or schizophrenia which may affect the self
assessment of pain

- History or presence of severe cardiovascular disease, hepatic dysfunction, renal
failure, respiratory disease, blood disease or CNS disorder

- History or presence of a drug allergy

- Patients who have a history of a diagnosis of cancer or a treatment of cancer within 5
years prior to the study entry

- Patients received an investigational medication within 4 months (6 months for biologic
medication such as antibody) prior to the informed consent

- Women of child bearing potential who do not agree to avoid pregnancy from the time of
providing the consent until 3 months after the end of dosing, or men of reproductive
potential who do not agree to avoid pregnancy from the time of the first dose until 3
months after the end of dosing

- Patients who are pregnant, lactating, or possibly pregnant

- Patients judged to be inappropriate to enter the study by a investigator or a