A Comparison of Propofol Versus Midazolam to Sedate Critically Brain Injury; Measurement of Cytokine Response and Assessment of Function
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
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This is a prospective randomized controlled pilot study in traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients who are sedated with either propofol or midazolam to compare the cytokine response and neuropsychological outcomes with and without elevated blood alcohol levels. Sedation is part of the standard treatment in patients with a TBI and has been proposed as a neuroprotective intervention in head-injured patients. Sedative regimens, such as midazolam and propofol, are not standardized and it is unclear whether sedation has a significant impact on recovery and outcome. A review of propofol versus midazolam in mechanically ventilated patients shows evidence that both provide effective sedation but there is lack of data to support one sedative over the other. Cytokines are released in response to tissue injury and act to generate a variety of physiologic responses. The cytokine elevation has been correlated with the extent of tissue injury. This study will compare the cytokine distribution patterns at specific posttraumatic time points in patients with a TBI sedated with either propofol or midazolam. Additional analysis will compare the cytokine response in patients whom had elevated blood alcohol levels with those with normal levels. Neuropsychological testing will also be performed to determine the extent of brain injury and recovery.Phase:
Phase 4Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Michigan State UniversityTreatments:
Inclusion Criteria:- Ages 18 Years or older
- Males or Females
- Primary diagnosis of TBI, subarachnoid hemmorhage (SAH), intracranial hemmorhage
(ICH), stroke
- Requires mechanical ventilation
- Requires or is receiving continuous IV sedation
Exclusion Criteria:
- Glascow Coma Score (GCS) of 3 persisting from the scene with bilaterally fixed dilated
pupils with no appreciable chance of survival
- The inability to identify a next of kin or guardian to give consent if patient unable
to consent
- Pregnant
- Allergy or contraindication to propofol
- Allergy to contraindication to midalozam
- Status epilepticus
- Current neuromuscular blockade
- Patient with a known hypersensitivity to propofol or midalozam
- Allergies to eggs, egg products, soybeans or soy products
- Acute narrow-angle glaucoma