A First in Human Study to Assess the Safety,Tolerability and Pharmacokinetics of ONO-2808 in Healthy Participants
Trial end date:
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This is a first in human study to determine the safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of ONO-2808 in healthy adult participants. The study will be conducted in 4 parts: Part A, a single-ascending dose part with an assessment of the potential food effects in non-Japanese adult participants; Part B, a single-dose part to assess the effect of age in non-Japanese elderly participants; Part C, a multiple-ascending dose part with ONO-2808 administered to non-Japanese adult participants; and Part D, a single and multiple doses part to assess the ethnicity difference between Japanese and non-Japanese healthy participants.Phase:
Phase 1Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Accepts Healthy VolunteersDetails
Lead Sponsor:
Ono Pharmaceutical Co. LtdCollaborator:
Inclusion Criteria:1. Able to provide fully informed written consent.
2. 18-55 years (Part A & C), or ≥65 years (Part B) or 20-55 years (Part D).
3. Non-Japanese male and female participants (Women of non-child bearing potential
(WONCBP)) (Part A, B & C) or male and female participants (WONCBP) of Japanese
ethnicity (Part D).
4. Agree to use an effective method of contraception.
5. No clinically significant medical history and no abnormal physical examination,
laboratory profiles, vital signs or ECG abnormalities, based on the Screening
6. Body mass index of ≥18.5 to <30 kg/m2 and a body weight of at least 50 kg for males
and 45 kg for females to a maximum of 100 kg, at the time of screening.
Exclusion Criteria:
1. History or presence of clinically significant medical, surgical or psychiatric
condition (including history of suicidal behaviour) or objection by General
Practitioner (GP) to participant entering trial.
2. Sensitivity to the study drug.
3. Female who is pregnant or lactating or of childbearing potential.
4. History or presence of alcoholism or drug/chemical/substance abuse.
5. Use of any medication which may affect ONO-2808 pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics
6. Current smoker or has smoked (including use of tobacco and/or nicotine-containing
products) in the previous 3 months
7. Positive results for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B surface antigen
(HBsAg) or hepatitis C virus (HCV).
8. Vital signs and supine resting blood pressure outside the acceptable normal range
9. Participants who are not willing to eat a high fat breakfast