A Novel Pharmacological Therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
A pharmacological, non-mechanical therapy for OSA that is efficacious and tolerable remains elusive. Here the investigators study the effect on sleep apnea severity of a combination of pharmacological agents (atomoxetine and oxybutynin, "AtoOxy") over a 1 month period of time. The current study will answer the following questions: Does ongoing, repeated-dose administration of atomoxetine-plus-oxybutynin (referred to as "AtoOxy") improve OSA severity, and do patients exhibit signs of symptomatic relief? Most importantly, which phenotypic subgroup of patients preferentially benefit from this intervention?Phase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Brigham and Women's HospitalTreatments:
Atomoxetine HydrochlorideMandelic Acids
Inclusion criteria:- Ages 21-70 years
- Diagnosed OSA or clinically-suspected OSA
- Not using CPAP (>1 month).
Exclusion criteria:
- Any uncontrolled medical condition
- Current use of the medications under investigation
- Use of medications expected to stimulate or depress respiration (including opioids,
barbiturates, doxapram, almitrine, theophylline, 4-hydroxybutanoic acid).
- Current use of hypnotic medications (trazodone, eszopiclone, benzodiazepines).
- Current use of SNRIs/SSRIs or anticholinergic medications.
- Conditions likely to affect obstructive sleep apnea physiology: neuromuscular disease
or other major neurological disorder, heart failure (also below), or any other
unstable major medical condition.
- Respiratory disorders other than sleep disordered breathing:
chronic hypoventilation/hypoxemia (awake SaO2 < 92% by oximetry) due to chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease or other respiratory conditions.
- Other sleep disorders: periodic limb movements (periodic limb movement arousal index >
10/hr), narcolepsy, or parasomnias.
- Contraindications for atomoxetine and oxybutynin, including:
- hypersensitivity to study drugs (angioedema or urticaria)
- pheochromocytoma
- use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors
- benign prostatic hypertrophy, urinary retention
- untreated narrow angle glaucoma
- bipolar disorder, mania, psychosis
- history of major depressive disorder (age<24).
- history of attempted suicide or suicidal ideation within one year prior to
- clinically significant constipation, gastric retention
- pre-existing seizure disorders
- clinically-significant kidney disorders (eGFR<60 ml/min/1.73m2)
- clinically-significant liver disorders
- clinically-significant cardiovascular conditions
- severe hypertension (SBP>180 mmHg or DBP>110 mmHg measured at baseline)
- cardiomyopathy (LVEF<50%) or heart failure
- advanced atherosclerosis
- history of cerebrovascular events
- history of cardiac arrhythmias e.g., atrial fibrillation, QT prolongation
- other serious cardiac conditions that would raise the consequences of an increase
in blood pressure or heart rate
- myasthenia gravis
- pregnancy/breast-feeding
- Allergy to lidocaine (Aim 2 only)
- Claustrophobia
- Pregnancy or nursing