A Phase 2b Study of Inhaled RVT-1601 for the Treatment of Persistent Cough in IPF
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a rare, progressive life-threatening disease that is characterized by exertional dyspnea and persistent dry cough. Cough in IPF is both a presenting and a complicating clinical feature, which affects approximately three quarters of IPF cases. It is often a debilitating symptom that adversely affects quality of life (QoL) and is usually refractory to medical therapy. Inhaled RVT-1601 (formerly, PA101B), a new inhalation formulation of cromolyn sodium delivered via the eFlow® Closed System (CS) nebulizer, is being evaluated in this Phase 2b study for the treatment of persistent cough in patients with IPF.Phase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Respivant Sciences GmbHCollaborator:
Respivant Sciences Inc.
Inclusion Criteria:- Male or female subjects age 40 through 89 years
- Confirmed diagnosis of IPF with clinical features consistent with the current clinical
practice guidelines
- Persistent cough for at least 8 weeks that is primarily due to IPF and not responsive
to anti-tussive therapy
- Daytime cough severity score of ≥ 40 mm on a 100-mm VAS
- 24-hour average cough count of at least 10 coughs per hour
- Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) > 45% predicted value within 4 weeks
- Diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide corrected for hemoglobin (DLCOc) > 30%
predicted value within 4 weeks
- Life expectancy of at least 12 months
Exclusion Criteria:
- Current or recent history of clinically significant medical condition, laboratory
abnormality, or illness that could place the subject at risk or compromise the quality
of the study data
- Significant coronary artery disease (i.e., myocardial infarction within 6 months or
unstable angina within 1 month)
- Upper or lower respiratory tract infection within 4 weeks
- Acute exacerbation of IPF within 6 months
- Lung transplantation expected within 12 months
- Requiring supplemental O2 > 4 litres/min to maintain peripheral arterial O2 saturation
(SpO2) > 88% at rest
- History of malignancy likely to result in significant disability or likely to require
significant medical or surgical intervention within the next 2 years
- Current smoker (i.e., use of tobacco products within the last 3 months)
- Current or recent history of drug or alcohol abuse within 12 months
- Participation in any other investigational drug study within 4 weeks
- Use of certain drugs for cough management within 4 weeks: prednisone, opiates,
baclofen, gabapentin, pregabalin, thalidomide, amitriptyline, inhaled corticosteroids,
or inhaled bronchodilators
- Use of ACE inhibitors or cromolyn sodium within 4 weeks
- Females who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if of child-bearing potential unwilling
to practice acceptable means of birth control during the study
- History of hypersensitivity or intolerance to cromolyn sodium