A Pilot, Multi-Center, Patient Preference Study Comparing Two Clindamycin/Benzoyl Peroxide Gels.
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
Evaluate patient preference factors comparing two clindamycin/benzoyl peroxide gels. One dispensed in a pump presentation, the other in a tube presentation.Phase:
Phase 4Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Accepts Healthy VolunteersDetails
Lead Sponsor:
Benzoyl Peroxide
Clindamycin palmitate
Clindamycin phosphate
The following information on clinical trials is provided for information purposes only toallow patients and physicians to have an initial discussion about the trial. This
information is not intended to be complete information about the trial, to contain all
considerations that may be relevant to potential participation in the trial, or to replace
the advice of a personal physician or health professional.
1. Patients with a clinical diagnosis of acne vulgaris of mild to moderate severity
2. Females of childbearing potential, in addition to having a negative urine pregnancy
test at Visit 1, must be willing to use an acceptable form of birth control during the
3. Patients 18 years of age or older must provide Institutional Review Board (IRB)
approved written informed consent. Patients under 18 years of age must have IRB
approved written informed consent from a parent or legal guardian. Patients 12 - 17
years of age must complete an IRB approved assent form for minors.
4. Patients must be willing and able to understand the requirements of the study, abide
by the restrictions, apply the medication as instructed, and return for the required
study visits.
5. Patients must be in good health and free from any clinically significant disease,
other than acne vulgaris, that might interfere with the study evaluations.
6. Patients who use make-up must have used the same brand of make-up for a minimum period
of 2 weeks prior to Baseline and agree to not change make-up brands or types during
the study.
1. Patients who are pregnant, nursing, or planning a pregnancy within the study period.
2. Patients who have more than 2 nodulo-cystic lesions on the face, excluding the nose.
3. Patients who have a known hypersensitivity to any ingredients in the test products
including clindamycin and benzoyl peroxide.
4. Patients who have been treated with prescription and/or over-the-counter topical
products, or had a procedure performed that may impact study assessments.
5. Patients who have any systemic or dermatological disorder that has the potential to
interfere with the evaluations (e.g., rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis, perioral
dermatitis, corticosteroid-induced acne vulgaris, carcinoid syndrome, mastocytosis,
acneform eruptions caused by medication, facial psoriasis, facial eczema, etc.).
6. Patients with clinically significant unstable medical disorders, life-threatening
disease, or current malignancies.
7. Patients who engage in activities that involve excessive or prolonged exposure to
8. Patients who consume excessive amounts of alcohol, abuse drugs, or have any condition
that would compromise compliance with this protocol.
9. Patients who have been treated with an investigational drug or investigational device
within a period of 30 days prior to study entry.
10. Alcoholic toners, astringents, medicated topical preparations (prescriptions and
over-the-counter), or medicated make-up on the facial treatment area.
11. Abrasive cleansers or washes to the facial area.
12. New cosmetics, or new cleansers applied to the face.
13. Patients must not wear make-up at the visits, so as not to interfere with the
14. Patients should not use a sauna within 48 hours prior to each visit.