A Study With Pembrolizumab for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This study is a randomized, national multicenter clinical study ,which is designed to compare the efficacy of the safety and efficacy of treatment every 3 weeks or 6 weeks in (Non-small-cell-cell cancer, NSCLC) subjects without systematic treatment, who used Pembrolizumab after 6 cycles of combined chemotherapy, estimated with stable efficacy (CR, PR, and SSD) . In this study, subjects will be randomly assigned to the following two groups according to a 1:1 ratio: (A) Standard maintenance programme group, pembrolizumab 200mg, every 3 weeks, for a total of 2 years of follow-up and follow-up for 1 year; (B) Improvement maintenance programme group, pembrolizumab 200mg, every 6 weeks, for a total of 2 years of follow-up and 1 year follow-up;Phase:
N/AAccepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Second Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang UniversityCollaborators:
Affiliated Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine
Beijing Sino-Japan Friendship Hospital
Changhai Hospital of the Second Military Medical University
First Hospital of China Medical University
Guangzhou Medical University
Jiangsu People's Hospital
Qilu Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University
Qilu Hospital of Shandong University
Southern Medical University, China
The Second Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University
The Second Affiliated Hospital of the Army Medical University (the Third Military Medical University) - Xinqiao Hospital
Tongji Hospital
Tongji Hospital Affiliated to Huazhong University of science and technology
West China Hospital Affiliated to West China Medical University
Xiangya Hospital Affiliated to Central South University
Xijing Hospital Affiliated to the Fourth Military Medical University
Zunyi Medical University Affiliated HospitalTreatments:
Inclusion Criteria:-
1. Volunteer for clinical research, fully understand, inform and sign informed consent
forms (Informed Consent Form, ICF), willing to follow and be able to complete all trial
procedures. 2. 18 to 75 years old (with critical values) when signing ICF. 3. Hemology
diagnostics of phase IV (AJCC Version 8) NSCLC that cannot be surgicalor-able or
radiotherapy. 4. No known EGFR sensitivity mutations or ALK, ROS1 gene rearrangement; 5.
Patients have never received systemic treatment throughout the body for phase IV NSCLC. 6.
The end of non-systematic anti-tumor therapy is not only 2 weeks from the end of the study
drug, and the treatment-related AE is restored to CTCAE 4.03 to level 1 (except for level 2
hair loss). 7. Within 4 weeks prior to randomization, at least one measurable target
lesions assessed by irRC in accordance with RECIST 1.1 requirements. 8. Patients must
provide the required tumor tissue for PD-L1 expression level determination, and PD-L1 is
1%. Note: Samples of tumor tissue fixed by Formalin within 6 months prior to the first
study of the drug use are recommended. Paraffin encapsulated tumor specimens (preferred) or
unstained newly cut continuous tissue slices (preferred anti-stripping slides). A relevant
pathological report of the above specimen sits must also be provided. Freshly collected
specimens, excision, hollow needle core biopsy, excision, cut, stamping or clamp biopsy are
all within acceptable range (preferred newly acquired tissue). Needle-absorbing samples
(i.e., samples that lack a complete tissue structure only provide cell suspension and/or
cell smears), brush samples, cell precipitation samples from chest or celiac fluidares are
not accepted. The organization sample requirements are detailed in the laboratory operating
manual. 9. The ECOG PS score for 7 days prior to the first drug use of the study drug was 0
or 1. 10. After 6 cycles of combination chemotherapy with Pembrolizumab 200mg Q3W or
Pembrolizumab 200mg Q3W immunotherapy, the efficacy was assessed as CR, PR, SD. 11. The
expected lifetime is 12 weeks. 12. The main organ function sits well, i.e. meets the
following criteria (no blood transfusion, albumin, recombinant human platelet production or
csphylitosin (CSF) treatment within 14 days prior to the first drug use in this study): 13.
Organ function is normal:
1. White blood cells s.0 x 109/L
2. Absolute Neutlyte Granucyte Count (ANC) s2.0 x 109/L
3. Platelet count: 100 x 109/L
4. Hemoglobin s 90 g/L
5. Creatine s 1.5 x ULN;
6. Total bilirubin s 1.5 x ULN (except Gilbert syndrome, total bilirubin 3.0 mg/dL);
7. AST (SGOT) is 2.5 x ULN, for patients with liver metastiars, s.5 x ULN;
8. ALT (SGPT) is 2.5 x ULN, for patients with liver metastasis, s.5 x ULN;
9. Alkaline phosphatase is 3 times the normal upper limit;
10. Clotting function: activated part of the clotting enzyme time (APTT) s1.5 x ULN,
clotting enzyme raw time (PT) or international standardized ratio (INR) s1.5 x ULN;
11. Female patients must meet one of the following:
(1) menopause (defined as having no menstruation for at least 1 year and no other reason
for confirmation other than menopause); (2) sterilization performed (removal of the ovaries
and/or uterus); (3) Fertility, but must meet: Serum pregnancy tests must be negative within
7 days of randomization and agree to use 1% annual failure rate of contraception or to
maintain abstinence (avoiding heterosexual intercourse) (at least 120 days after the
signing of an informed consent form to the last time the drug was administered) (1% annual
failure rate of contraceptive methods including bilateral tubal ligation, male
sterilization, correct use of ovulation-suppressing hormones, release of intrauterine and
intrauterine devices) and intrauterine devices. 12) Male patients must meet the requirement
to consent to abstinence (avoiding heterosexual intercourse) or to take contraception,
provided that when the partner is a woman of childbearing age or who is pregnant, male
patients must maintain abstinence or use condom contraception to prevent exposure to the
embryo during treatment and for at least 150 days after the end of administration of the
drug. Regular abstinence (e.g. calendar days, ovulation periods, basic body temperature or
late-stage contraception) and in vitro ejaculation are substandard methods of
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Histological type is small cell lung cancer or mixed tumors with small cell lung cancer,
neuroendocrine cancer components. 2. Within 5 years or at the same time, there are other
active malignancies. Cured limited tumors, such as skin base cell carcinoma, skin squamous
carcinoma, superficial bladder cancer, prostate in situ cancer, cervical in situ cancer,
breast in situ cancer, etc. can be included in the group. 3. A patient who is prepared to
undergo or have received an organ or bone marrow transplant in the past. 4. Chest fluid,
cardiac fluid or ascites that cannot be controlled by appropriate intervention. 5. Known or
screened examinations found in patients with active central nervous system (CNS) metastasis
and/or cancerous meningitis. However, the following patients are allowed to join the group:
1) Asymptomatic brain metastasis patients (i.e. no brain metastasis caused by the
development of sexual central nervous system symptoms, do not require glucocorticoid
therapy, and the size of the lesions of 1.5cm) can participate, but the disease site needs
to be regularly examined for brain imaging. 2) In patients with after treatment of brain
metastasis, and brain metastasis lesions are stable for at least 1 month, there is no new
or enlarged evidence of brain metastasis, and glucocorticoids are discontinued for 3 days
before administration. Stable brain metastasis should be determined prior to the first drug
use. 6. Surgery and/or radiotherapy fail to cure spinal cord compression. 7. Obviously
hemorrhagic, combined patients with venous syndrome. 8. Myocardial infarction and poor
control of arrhythmia (including QTc interstitallated men with a period of 450 ms and
female s470 ms) occurred in the first six months prior to the first drug use (QTc
interstitallator is calculated using the Fridericia formula). 9. In accordance with NYHA
Standard III- IV level cardiac insufficiency or cardiac color super-examination: LVEF (left
ventricular blood score) 50%. 10. Poor control of hypertension (i.e. systolic pressure (BP)
of 150 mmHg and/or diastolic pressure of 100 mmHg), has previously appeared high blood
pressure risk or hypertension encephalopathy. 11. The patient had CTCAE 4.03 peripheral
neuropathy level 2. 12. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. 13. He suffers from
active tuberculosis. 14. Past and current patients with interstitial pneumonia, dust lung,
radiocopmedy, drug-related pneumonia, severe lung function, etc., may interfere with the
monitoring and treatment of suspected drug-related pulmonary toxicity. 15. Patients have
known active or suspected autoimmune diseases. Patients who are allowed to be in a stable
state and do not require systemic immunosuppressants. 16. Hepatitis B (HBsAg or HBcAb
tested positive and HBV-DNA tested positive), hepatitis C (hCV antibody tested positive and
HCV-RNA positive). Subjects with a common infection with hepatitis B and C (HBsAg or HBcAb
tested positive and HCV antibodies tested positive). 17. A live vaccine is treated within
28 days of the first drug use, but seasonal influenza is permitted, but the detoxified live
flu vaccine is not allowed to be administered with nasal medication. 18. Patients who need
to be treated with systemic glucocortical extrex (?10 mg/temponnison) or other
immunosuppressive medications within 14 days of the first drug use or during the study.
However, admission is permitted in the group where patients are allowed to use topical or
inhaled glucocorticoids and adrenal corticosteroid replacement therapy at a dose of 10
mg/templiison. 19. Any active infectionthat that requires systemic anti-infection treatment
occurs within 14 days of the first drug use. 20. Within 28 days of the first drug use,
major surgery was undergone, and the study defined major surgery: at least 3 weeks of
recovery time after surgery to be able to undergo surgery for this study. Tumor punctures
or lymph node cut biopsies are allowed into the group. 21. Within 3 months of the first
drug use, he received thetogenive radiation therapy. Note: Palliative radiotherapy for bone
palliative radiotherapy or superficial lesions is permitted, the course of treatment is
based on local standards and is completed 2 weeks prior to the first dose. Radiotherapy
covering more than 30% of the bone marrow area is not permitted within 28 days of the first
use. 22. Patients have previously received other antibodies/drugs against immuno-checking
points, such as PD-1, PD-L1, CTLA4, etc. 23. Participating in other clinical studies, or
planning to begin treatment for this study is less than 14 days from the end of the
previous clinical study. 24. A history of severe allergies to any monoclonal antibody is
known. 25. Pregnant or lactating women. 26. Patients are known to have a history of
psychotropic substance abuse or drug abuse; 27. The researchers determined that the patient
had other factors that might have caused the study to be forced to terminate in the middle.