A Study in Participants With Diabetic Kidney Disease
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The purpose of this study is to determine if LY2382770 is safe and effective at protecting kidney function in participants with kidney disease due to diabetes.Phase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Eli Lilly and Company
Main Inclusion Criteria:- Participants with chronic kidney disease presumed due to diabetes Type 1 or Type 2
- Participants with certain levels of kidney function - serum creatinine (SCr) 1.3 to
3.3 mg/dl (115 to 291 micromol/L) inclusive for women and 1.5 to 3.5 mg/dl (132 to 309
micromol/L) inclusive for men, or an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) 20 to
60 mL/min/1.73 m²
- Participants with protein in the urine - 24-hour urine protein/creatinine ratio (PCR)
greater than or equal to 800 mg/g (greater than or equal to 91 mg/mmol).
- Participants must be on a stable and acceptable dose of an ACE (angiotensin-converting
enzyme) inhibitor or an ARB (angiotensin II receptor blocker), or not able to tolerate
these medications.
Main Exclusion Criteria:
- Female participants who can become pregnant, are pregnant or breastfeeding
- Participants who have any of the following medical conditions (the site research staff
will discuss these criteria and determine a participant's ability to participate)
- Chronic inflammatory or autoimmune diseases
- Chronic Kidney Disease from causes other than diabetes
- An organ transplant
- Too high a blood pressure
- Viral Hepatitis B or C liver infection, liver cirrhosis, or significant liver
- Recent gastrointestinal bleeding
- Acute kidney injury within the 3 months before screening
- Major surgery within 3 months before screening or plan to have it during the
study period
- HIV infection- the virus that causes AIDS
- Heart disease that is not considered stable
- Cancer that is too recent or other condition which poses too high a risk for
developing cancer
- Required to take drugs that change the immune system