A Study of AC682 for the Treatment of Locally Advanced or Metastatic ER+ Breast Cancer
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This clinical trial is evaluating a drug called AC682 in participants with estrogen receptor positive/human epidermal growth factor 2 negative (ER+/HER2-) locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer. The main goals of this study are to: - Find the recommended dose of AC682 that can be given safely to participants - Learn more about the side effects of AC682 - Learn more about pharmacokinetics of AC682 - Learn more about the effectiveness of AC682Phase:
Phase 1Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Accutar Biotechnology Inc
Inclusion Criteria:- Signed written informed consent form (ICF)
- Patients must be ≥18 years-of-age at the time of signing of the ICF
- Female patients must be postmenopausal
- Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Performance Status score of 0 or 1
- Histologically and/or cytologically confirmed advanced estrogen receptor positive
(ER+) human epidermal growth factor 2 negative (HER2-) breast cancer
- Patients with life expectancy ≥3 months
- Patients who have adequate organ functions at baseline
- At least 1 measurable lesion according to Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors
(RECIST) Version 1.1 or at least 1 predominantly lytic bone lesion in the absence of
measurable disease
Exclusion Criteria:
- Treatment with any of the following: systemic anti-cancer chemotherapy, biologic, or
hormonal agent from a previous treatment regimen or clinical study within 4 weeks
prior to the first dose of AC682; systemic small molecules from a previous treatment
regimen or clinical study within 14 days or 5 half-lives (whichever is longer) prior
to the first dose of AC682 (at least 10 days must have elapsed between the last dose
of such agent and the first dose of study drug)
- Radiation therapy such as wide-field radiotherapy administered ≤28 days of first dose
of AC682
- Major surgery (excluding placement of vascular access) within 4 weeks of first dose of
- Known symptomatic brain metastases requiring the use of steroids
- Any condition that impairs a patient's ability to swallow whole pills. Impairment of
gastrointestinal function (GI) or GI disease or other condition at baseline that will
interfere significantly with the absorption, distribution, or metabolism of AC682.
- Use of prophylactic growth factors and blood transfusions ≤14 days prior to the first
dose of AC682 and during dose limiting toxicity observation period