A Study of BufferGel in Women
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The purpose of this study is to see if it is safe to use BufferGel in the vaginas of women who do not have HIV and who have a low risk of getting HIV. Many new cases of HIV are the result of heterosexual activity. Condom use is currently the only effective way of preventing the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). However, women, who have a greater risk of getting HIV, are often unable to convince their partner to use a condom. Therefore, it is important to develop methods that prevent the spread of HIV and that are controlled by the woman, such as medicines used in the vagina. BufferGel is known to kill the organisms that cause STDs, including HIV. BufferGel may do this without causing genital irritation and sores as other medicines do. More studies are needed to see if this is true.Phase:
Phase 1Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Accepts Healthy VolunteersDetails
Lead Sponsor:
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Inclusion CriteriaAll participants must have:
- HIV-negativity by licensed EIA.
- Willingness and ability to complete a study diary.
- A regular menstrual cycle with a minimum of 18 days between menses.
- Ability to insert BufferGel daily as required by the protocol.
Cohort IA participants must:
- Agree to abstain from sexual intercourse for the duration of the study.
Cohort IB participants must:
- Agree to have vaginal intercourse at least 2 times per week and use non-lubricated
condoms for each act of intercourse.
- Have currently (for 3 months or longer) a single sexual partner who is at low-risk for
HIV infection.
Exclusion Criteria
Co-existing Condition:
Participants with the following conditions or symptoms are excluded:
- A Grade 3 or higher liver, renal, or hematology abnormality.
- Menopausal.
- Breakthrough menstrual bleeding.
- Any STD or symptoms, as seen on pelvic exam, consistent with an STD or other genital
tract infection or trauma including vaginitis, cervicitis, edema, erythema,
ecchymosis, petechial hemorrhage, vulvar or cervicovaginal lesions or abrasions,
subepithelial hemorrhage, or signs of genital tract infection (other than asymptomatic
bacterial vaginosis) from laboratory evaluations.
Concurrent Medication:
- Any vaginal product other than BufferGel, including lubricants and feminine hygiene
- Vaginal drying agents.
- Douche.
- Participation in any other microbicide or contraceptive study.
- Treatment for any STD.
Participants with the following prior conditions are excluded:
- IUD, abnormal PAP smear, pregnancy, abortion, or gynecologic surgery in the last 3
- Any of the following side effects related to Depo-provera use in the past 2 months:
- headaches, dizziness, abdominal pain, fatigue, or nervousness.
Prior Medication:
- A course of antibiotic therapy (other than treatment for malaria) in the last 14 days.
- Any spermicide within the past month.
- Initiation of Depo-provera for contraceptive purposes in the last 6 months.
Risk Behavior:
- Use of intravenous drugs currently or within the past year.