
A Study of LXR015-1 in HIV-Infected Patients

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
To determine and compare the safety and tolerability of 3 doses of LXR015-1 in HIV-infected patients.
Phase 1
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
LXR Biotechnology
Inclusion Criteria

Patients must have:

- Documented HIV infection.

- CD4 cell count less than 200 cells/mm3.

Prior Medication:


Acute therapy for opportunistic infections or serious AIDS defining infections must be
completed at least 28 days before study entry.

Exclusion Criteria

Co-existing Condition:

Patients with the following symptoms or conditions are excluded:

- Patients that are unable to take adequate oral intake (i.e. unable to eat 1 or more
meals a day because of chronic nausea, emesis, or abdominal/oral/esophageal

- Patients who have severe diarrhea as defined as >= 7 stools per day, or acute diarrhea
due to a treatable cause.


- If the patient has Cryptosporidia, Mycobacterium avium, or Cytomegalovirus that is
unresponsive to treatment and has less than 7 stools per day, the patient may
participate in this study.

- Patients who have any severe or life-threatening laboratory or clinical abnormality,
or are not expected to live for 8 weeks.

- Patients who have an active opportunistic infection, including tuberculosis,
cryptococcosis, or other serious AIDS defining infections requiring immediate
treatment. Acute therapy must be completed at least 28 days before study entry.

- Patients with unexplained elevated temperature >= 38.5 degrees C that persists for 7
days or more within 14 days before study entry.

- Patients with malignancy other than squamous or basal carcinomas of the skin. Patients
with visceral Kaposi's sarcoma or lymphoma requiring systemic chemotherapy or
radiation treatment will be excluded. Patients with Kaposi's of the skin or mucous
membranes may enroll in this study.

- Patients, who in the judgment of the investigator are unable to comply with the

Concurrent Treatment:


Radiation therapy.

Patients with the following prior condition are excluded:

A known history of hypersensitivity reaction to soy protein or soy lecithin. NOTE:

- This hypersensitivity is identified through medical history, not skin testing.


- Systemic chemotherapy.

- Acute therapy for opportunistic infections or other serious AIDS defining infections.

- Intravenous rehydration as treatment for diarrhea.


Patient must be taking a stable regimen (about 8 weeks) of anti-viral, anti-opportunistic
infection and/or anti-diarrheal (if patient has diarrhea) medications.