A Study of Oral VT-1161 for the Treatment of Patients With Recurrent Vaginal Candidiasis (Yeast Infection)
Trial end date:
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Recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (RVVC), also known as recurrent yeast infections, is defined as at least 3 episodes of acute VVC in the past 12 months. Several properties of VT-1161 suggest that it might be a safer and more effective treatment for RVVC than other oral anti-fungal medicines. This study will evaluate the effectiveness and safety of VT-1161 for the treatment of RVVC and consists of 2 parts. The first part of the study is a 2-week period for the treatment of the patient's current VVC episode with 3 150mg doses of fluconazole. The 2nd part consists of 12 weeks, when the patient will take either VT-1161 150 mg or a placebo (according to a random assignment), and then a 36-week follow-up period. In addition, at participating sites, an amendment to the study allows US patients who complete the initial 48 weeks without experiencing a confirmed RVVC episode to continue in a 48-week observational extension period designed to evaluate the continued effectiveness of VT-1161. This study is identical to VMT-VT-1161-CL-012.Phase:
Phase 3Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Mycovia Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Key Inclusion Criteria:- 3 or more episodes of acute VVC in the past 12 months
- Positive KOH or Gram stain
- Total vulvovaginal signs and symptoms score of ≥3 at screening visit
- Total vulvovaginal signs and symptoms score of <3 at baseline visit
- Must be able to swallow pills
Key Exclusion Criteria:
- Presence or a history of another vaginal or vulvar condition(s)
- Evidence of major organ system disease
- History of cervical cancer
- Poorly controlled diabetes mellitus
- Pregnant
- Recent use of topical or systemic antifungal or antibacterial drugs
- Recent use of immunosuppressive or systemic corticosteroid therapies