
A Study to Determine the Effect of Triheptanoin Compared With Even-chain, MCT on MCEs in Pediatric Patients With LC-FAOD

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The main goal of this study is to evaluate the effects of triheptanoin versus Medium-chain Triglycerides (MCT) on frequency of Major Clinical Events (MCEs).
Phase 3
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc
Inclusion Criteria for Main Study:

- Males and females, from 0 (including newborns) to < 18 years of age

- Confirmed diagnosis of LC-FAOD

- Have a caregiver(s) willing and able to assist in all applicable study requirements

- Have a legally authorized representative willing and able to provide written informed
consent after the nature of the study has been explained and prior to any
research-related procedures, and the study participant to be able to provide
age-appropriate written assent

- Have ANY ONE of the following significant clinical manifestations of LC-FAOD:

- At least 2 in the prior year, or 3 in the prior 2 years, of severe major episodes
of metabolic decompensation (eg, hypoglycemia, rhabdomyolysis, or exacerbation of
cardiomyopathy, requiring ER/urgent care unit visits or hospitalizations)

- Recurrent symptomatic hypoglycemia (clinical symptoms of hypoglycemia) requiring

- Susceptibility to hypoglycemia after short periods of fasting (less than 4 to 12
hours, depending on age)

- Evidence of functional cardiomyopathy requiring ongoing medical management or
clinical manifestation of heart failure

- Sibling(s) with the same pathogenic variant who presented with MCEs

- Participant with pathogenic variants that are known or suspected to be associated
with absent or severely reduced enzyme activity or with severe disease

- From the time of informed consent to 5 days after the last dose of study drug in this
study, females of childbearing potential and fertile males must consent to use highly
effective methods of contraception. If female, agree not to become pregnant. If male,
agree not father a child or donate sperm

Inclusion Criteria for Liver Substudy:

- Enrollment in the Main Study of Study UX007-CL302

- Age > 2 years

- Liver fat content ≥ 2% and < 20% PDFF as assessed by 1 H-MRS

- Body mass index < 95th percentile

- Able to comply with instructions (remaining still during scan) and requirements (eg,
constraints on recent meals, no metallic items or implanted devices in the body, no
recent contrast agents) for liver 1 H-MRS scan

Exclusion Criteria for Main Study:

- Enrolled in a clinical study involving concurrent use of an investigational drug
product within 30 days before Screening

- Use of a prohibited medication (eg, valproate products or pancreatic lipase
inhibitors) within 30 days before Screening, or unwilling to avoid a prohibited
medication or other substance that may confound study objectives

- Treatment with triheptanoin within 60 days of Screening

- History of known hypersensitivity to triheptanoin or MCT

- Caregiver unwilling or unable to sign informed consent, or release of medical records,
or follow study procedures

- Have any co-morbid conditions, including unstable major organ-system disease(s) that
in the opinion of the Investigator places the subject at increased risk of
complications, interferes with study participation or compliance, or confounds study
objectives. History of metabolic decompensation(s) with metabolic acidosis,
hyperammonemia, and/or liver enzyme elevations does not constitute an exclusion
criterion unless in the opinion of the Investigator places the subject at increased
risk of complications, interferes with study participation or compliance, or confounds
study objectives

- Have a diagnosis of pancreatic insufficiency

- Pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant (self or partner) at any time
during the study

Exclusion Criteria for Liver Substudy:

- Acute or chronic liver disease other than LC-FAOD that presents with increased risk of
liver fat (eg, hepatic cirrhosis, viral toxic or drug hepatitis, diabetes mellitus)
and/or metabolic syndrome

- Need for anesthesia/sedation to perform liver 1 H-MRS