A Study to Evaluate Safety, Tolerability and Immune Response in Adolescents Allergic to Peanut After Receiving Intradermal Administration of ASP0892 (ARA-LAMP-vax), a Single Multivalent Peanut (Ara h1, h2, h3) Lysosomal Associated Membrane Protein D
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and tolerability of ASP0892 after intradermal (ID) injection in adolescent participants with peanut allergy.Phase:
Phase 1Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Astellas Pharma Global Development, Inc.Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:- Subject has a body mass index (BMI) ≥ 3rd percentile and ≤ 97th percentile.
- Subject has a physician-diagnosed peanut allergy or history of peanut allergy.
Subjects with history of nonsevere anaphylaxis (Grade ≤ 3) to peanuts (including mild
wheezing or dyspnea without hypoxia) will be enrolled.
- Subject has an anti-Ara h2 Immunoglobulin E (IgE) measured by ImmunoCAP > 0.35 kU/L.
- Subject has a positive Skin prick test (SPT) to peanut with a change in wheal diameter
≥ 3 mm as compared to a negative control.
- Subject has a positive peanut Double-blinded placebo-controlled food challenge
(DBPCFC) at Screen 2 visit with an eliciting dose ≤ 300 mg peanut protein (≤ 444 mg
cumulative reactive dose [CRD]).
- Female subject must either:
- Be of non-childbearing potential, clearly premenarchal; documented surgically
sterile (e.g., hysterectomy, bilateral salpingectomy, bilateral oophorectomy).
- Or, if of childbearing potential, agrees not to try to become pregnant during the
study; and have a negative urine pregnancy test at screening and at day 1
(predose); and if heterosexually active, agrees to consistently use 1 form of
highly effective birth control starting at screening and throughout the study
- Female subject must agree not to breastfeed starting at screening and throughout the
study period, and for 28 days after the final study drug administration.
- Female subject must not donate ova starting at screening and throughout the study
period, and for 28 days after the final study drug administration.
- A heterosexually active male subject with female partner(s) who are of childbearing
potential is eligible if:
- Agrees to use a male condom starting at screening and continue throughout study
treatment and for 28 days after the final study drug administration. If the male
subject has not had a vasectomy or is not sterile, the subjects female partner(s)
is utilizing 1 form of highly effective birth control starting at screening and
continue throughout study treatment and for 90 days after the male subject
receives his final study drug administration.
- Male subject must not donate sperm starting at screening and throughout the study
period, and for 90 days after the final drug administration.
- Subject and subject's parent(s) or legal guardian agree that the subject will not
participate in another interventional study while participating in the present study.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Subject has severe anaphylaxis to peanuts (Grades 4 or 5 including dyspnea associated
with hypoxia, cyanosis, hypotension or neurological compromise) per the Grading of
Food-Induced Anaphylaxis According to Severity of Clinical Symptoms based on
historical clinical symptoms.
- Subject develops a Grade 4 or 5 reaction during the DBPCFC, per the Grading of Food-
Induced Anaphylaxis According to Severity of Clinical Symptoms based on historical
clinical symptoms.
- Subject has received or is planning to receive administration of any vaccine (other
than injectable Influenza vaccine) from 28 days prior to the first dose through 2
weeks after the last dose of the study vaccine.
- Subject received any specific immunotherapy for allergy (e.g., epicutaneous
immunotherapy [EPIT], sublingual immunotherapy [SLIT], Subcutaneous immunotherapy
[SCIT] and oral immunotherapy [OIT]) during the past 12 months, currently or plans to
receive during the course of the study.
- Subject has used the following drug(s) prior to the dosing of the study vaccine:
- Within 2 months prior to study vaccine administration: Systemic (or inhaled)
steroid, chemical mediator-isolation inhibitor, T helper cell type 2 (Th2)
cytokine inhibitor, thromboxane A2 synthesis inhibitor, thromboxane A2 receptor
antagonist, β-blocker, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and/or
angiotensin-receptor blockers
- Within 3 months prior to study vaccine administration: Biologics and/or immune
modulators (including anti-TNFα antibody and anti-IgE monoclonal antibody)
- Subject has history of allergic reactions such as anaphylactic shock, angioedema with
airway constriction or hypotension caused by food other than peanut and/or medical
products (including vaccine) in the past.
- Subject's laboratory test results at screening or prior to study drug dosing on day 1
are outside the normal limits and are considered clinically significant.
- Subjects with anti-Lysosomal associated membrane protein (LAMP)-1 antibodies above the
cut-point for the Tier 1 assay and who are confirmed positive in the Tier 2 assay at
Screen 1 visit (baseline).
- Subject had a positive test result for hepatitis B surface (HBs) antigen, hepatitis C
virus (HCV) antibody or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antigen/antibody.
- Subject had a positive urine drug screen result.
- Subject has immune disorders (including autoimmune disease) and/or diseases requiring
immunosuppressive drugs.
- Subject was diagnosed with immunodeficiency in the past.
- Subject has uncontrolled hypertension.
- Subject has a history of cardiovascular disease, arrhythmias, chronic lung disease,
active eosinophilic gastrointestinal disease or any other medical or surgical
conditions, which, places the subject at increased risk for participation in the
- Subject has a complication or medical history of respiratory disease, which requires
medical treatment.
- Subject has a complication or medical history of malignant tumor.
- Subject has mental conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, dementia or
major depressive disorder.
- Subject has severe or poorly controlled atopic dermatitis or generalized eczema.
- Subject is unable to discontinue antihistamines within 7 days or 5 half-lives
(whichever duration is longer) prior to SPT and oral food challenge procedures.
- Subject has asthma other than mild intermittent asthma (National Heart, Lung and Blood
Institute [NHLBI] Guidelines, July 2007) and has a forced expiratory volume in 1
second value < 80% and/or requiring chronic maintenance treatment (i.e., inhaled
- Subject has already received injection of Lysosomal associated membrane protein
(LAMP)-vax such as ASP0892.
- Subject has received investigational therapy within 35 days or 5 half-lives, whichever
is longer, prior to screening.
- Subject's parent(s) or legal guardian is an employee of the Astellas Group or vendors
involved in the study.
- Subject has any condition, which, makes the subject unsuitable for study