A Study to Investigate the Effects of CBP-307 on the Heart Rate-corrected QT Interval (QTc) in Healthy Subjects
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This study will investigate the effects of therapeutic and supratherapeutic oral doses of CBP-307 on the QTc interval in healthy subjects.Phase:
Phase 1Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Accepts Healthy VolunteersDetails
Lead Sponsor:
Suzhou Connect Biopharmaceuticals, Ltd.Treatments:
Norgestimate, ethinyl estradiol drug combination
Inclusion Criteria:1. Males or females, of any race, between 18 and 60 years of age, inclusive.
2. Body mass index between 18.0 and 30.0 kg/mE2, inclusive.
3. In good health, determined by no clinically significant findings from medical history,
physical examination, 12-lead ECG, vital signs measurements, and clinical laboratory
evaluations (congenital nonhemolytic hyperbilirubinemia [eg, suspicion of Gilbert's
syndrome based on total and direct bilirubin] is not acceptable) at screening and
confirmed at check-in as assessed by the investigator (or designee).
4. Females will not be pregnant or lactating, and females of childbearing potential and
males will agree to use contraception. Negative pregnancy test for females of
childbearing potential at screening (blood test) and check-in (urine test).
5. Supine diastolic blood pressure between 60 and 90 mmHg and systolic blood pressure
between 90 and 140 mmHg (inclusive) at screening on a single measurement (confirmed by
a single repeat, if necessary) following at least 5 minutes of rest.
6. No clinically significant history or presence of ECG findings as judged by the
investigator at screening and check-in, including each criterion as listed below:
1. Normal sinus rhythm (HR between 60 bpm and 100 bpm inclusive);
2. QTcF interval ≤450 msec for males and females;
3. QRS interval ≤110 msec; and confirmed by manual over-read if >110 msec;
4. PR interval ≤200 msec.
7. Has serum potassium, calcium, and magnesium levels within the normal reference range
at screening, as judged by the investigator.
8. Able to swallow multiple tablets (based on subject's verbal confirmation).
9. Able to comprehend and willing to sign an ICF and to abide by the study restrictions.
Exclusion Criteria:
Subjects will be excluded from the study if they satisfy any of the following criteria at
the screening visit unless otherwise stated:
1. Subject is mentally or legally incapacitated or has had significant history of recent
mental health issues requiring medication and/or hospitalization at the time of the
screening visit or expected during the conduct of the study.
2. Significant history or clinical manifestation of any metabolic, allergic,
dermatological, hepatic, renal, hematological, pulmonary, cardiovascular,
gastrointestinal, neurological, respiratory, endocrine, or psychiatric disorder, as
determined by the investigator (or designee). Note: Childhood asthma that is
considered recovered or seasonal allergies that are not currently active or requiring
treatment are allowed.
3. History of significant hypersensitivity, intolerance, or allergy to any drug compound,
food, or other substance, unless approved by the investigator (or designee).
4. History or presence of hypersensitivity or idiosyncratic reaction to the study drugs,
related compounds, or inactive ingredients.
5. History of significant multiple and/or severe allergies (eg, latex allergy, band-aids,
adhesive dressing, or medical tape), or has had an anaphylactic reaction or
significant intolerability to prescription or nonprescription drugs.
6. History of stomach or intestinal surgery or resection that would potentially alter
absorption and/or excretion of orally administered drugs within 6 months prior to the
first dose of study drug (uncomplicated appendectomy and hernia repair will be
7. History or presence of:
1. Hypokalemia, in the opinion of the investigator (or designee);
2. Risk factors for Torsades de Pointes (eg, heart failure, cardiomyopathy, or
family history of Long QT Syndrome);
3. Sick sinus syndrome, second, or third degree atrioventricular block, myocardial
infarction, pulmonary congestion, cardiac arrhythmia, prolonged QT interval, or
conduction abnormalities;
4. Repeated or frequent syncope or vasovagal episodes;
5. Hypertension, angina, bradycardia, or severe peripheral arterial circulatory
8. Clinically significant abnormalities (as judged by the investigator in laboratory
tests results [out-of-range results confirmed on repeat]), including but not limited
to the following parameters:
1. alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, or
total bilirubin greater than 1.5 × upper limit of normal;
2. hemoglobin <10 g/dL, WBC <3.0 ×10E9/L, neutrophils <1.5 ×10E9/L, lymphocytes <0.8
×10E9/L and platelets <100 ×10E9/L or >1200 × 10E9/L;
9. History or evidence of alcoholism or drug/chemical abuse within 2 years prior to
10. Alcohol consumption of >10 units per week for males and females. One unit of alcohol
equals ½ pint (285 mL) of beer or lager, 1 glass (125 mL) of wine, or 1/6 gill (25 mL)
of spirits.
11. Positive alcohol breath test result or positive urine drug screen (confirmed by
repeat) at screening or check-in.
12. Positive hepatitis panel, positive syphilis test, and/or positive human
immunodeficiency virus test.
13. Participation in a clinical study involving administration of an investigational drug
(new chemical entity) in the past 28 days prior to the first dose of study treatment
on Day 1. The 28-day window will be derived from the date of the last blood collection
or dosing, whichever is later, in the previous study to Day 1 of the current study.
14. Participation in a previous clinical study where subjects received CBP-307.
15. Administration of a Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine in the past 28 days
prior to first dose of study treatment on Day 1.
16. Use or intend to use any prescription medications/products within 14 days prior to
first dose of study drug (Day 1) and throughout the study, unless deemed acceptable by
the investigator (or designee). Note: For females only, the use hormonal
contraception, hormone replacement therapy or oral, implantable, transdermal,
injectable, or intrauterine hormonal contraceptives within 14 days prior to Day 1 is
not acceptable, except for Mirena®.
17. Use or intend to use any drugs known to be significant inhibitors or inducers of CYP
enzymes and/or P-gp, including St. John's Wort, for days prior to the first dose of
study drug and throughout the study. Appropriate sources will be consulted by the
investigator or designee to confirm the lack of PK/PD interaction with the study drug.
18. Use or intend to use slow-release medications/products considered to still be active
within 14 days prior to check-in, unless deemed acceptable by the investigator (or
19. Use or intend to use any nonprescription medications/products including antacids,
vitamins (especially those containing magnesium, aluminum, iron, or zinc), minerals,
and phytotherapeutic/herbal/plant-derived preparations within 14 days prior to
check-in, unless deemed acceptable by the investigator (or designee).
20. Use of tobacco- or nicotine-containing products within 3 months prior to check-in, or
positive cotinine at screening or check-in.
21. Has been on a diet incompatible with the on-study diet (including an extreme diet
which resulted in a significant weight change for whatever reason), in the opinion of
the investigator, within the 28 days prior to the first dose of study treatment, and
throughout the study.
22. Consumption of caffeine/xanthine-containing foods or beverages within 48 hours prior
to check-in until discharge.
23. Ingestion of poppy seed-, Seville orange-, or grapefruit-containing foods or beverages
within 7 days prior to check-in.
24. Receipt of blood products within 2 months prior to check-in.
25. Donation of blood from 3 months prior to screening, plasma from 2 weeks prior to
screening, or platelets from 6 weeks prior to screening.
26. Poor peripheral venous access.
27. Subjects who, in the opinion of the investigator (or designee), should not participate
in this study.