
A Trial Assessing Several Schedules of Oral S-1 in Combination With a Fixed Dose of Oxaliplatin and Irinotecan

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This study is to determine the Maximal Tolerated Dose (MTD), the Dose Limitant Toxicities (DLTs) and the safety profile of S-1 combined with fixed doses of Irinotecan (SIRI schedule) and fixed doses of Irinotecan and Oxaliplatin (SIRINOX schedule).
Phase 1
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Institut du Cancer de Montpellier - Val d'Aurelle
Inclusion Criteria:

- Male or female ≥ 18 years old

- Histologically confirmed diagnosis of advanced or metastatic digestive adenocarcinoma
(gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma, colorectal adenocarcinoma, pancreatic
adenocarcinoma, cholangiocarcinoma, hepatocarcinoma)

- Metastatic or advanced disease not eligible for curative surgery

- No active biliary obstruction

- Previous adjuvant chemotherapy is allowed. It must be completed at least 6 months
before the start of the study treatment

- First line chemotherapy is allowed (excluding chemotherapy with Capecitabine or 5 FU
or Irinotecan or Oxaliplatin). Previous Oxaliplatin is allowed in patients receiving

- A four-week washout period since prior treatment

- One or more measurable metastatic lesions

- ECOG status ≤ 1

- Total bilirubin ≤ 1.5 Upper limit of normal (ULN), ALT or AST ≤ 2.5 ULN (or < 5 in
case of liver impairment)

- Haemoglobin ≥ 10 g/dL, neutrophils ≥ 1,500/mm3, platelets ≥ 100,000/mm3 and white
blood cells > 3000 /mm3

- Lipase < 1.5 ULN, serum creatinine ≤ 1.5 ULN

- Negative pregnancy test in women of childbearing potential

- Use of an effective contraceptive method during the whole treatment and up to 3 months
after the completion of treatment

- Life expectancy > 3 months

- Informed consent form (ICF) signed prior to any study specific procedures

- Patients must be affiliated to a Social Security System

Exclusion Criteria:

- History of previous treatment with Oxaliplatin except for SIRI, Irinotecan, 5 FU or
Capecitabine as first-line chemotherapy

- Peripheral sensory neuropathy ≥ grade 2 at the time of signing the ICF

- Known central nervous system metastases

- Unique bone metastasis

- History or presence of other cancer within the past 5 years (except curatively treated
non-melanoma skin cancer)

- Patients with a known deficiency of the enzyme dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD),
as well as patients who, within the previous four weeks, have been treated with a
medicine that inhibits this enzyme

- Patients with rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or
glucose or galactose malabsorption

- Malabsorption syndrome or disease significantly affecting gastro-intestinal function

- Patient with dysphagia or inability to swallow the tablets

- Inflammatory bowel disease with chronic diarrhoea (Grade ≥ 2 NCI CTC V4.03)

- History of organ transplantation with use of immunosuppression therapy

- Concomitant severe infection (> grade 2 NCI.CTCAE v4.03) or major organ failure

- Active cardiac disease, angina pectoris or myocardial infarction in the last 6 months

- Renal disease

- Unstable diabetes

- Creatinine clearance < 50 ml/min calculated using the MDRD formula

- Pregnant or breastfeeding women

- Participation in another clinical trial within 30 days prior to study entry

- Psychological, social, geographical or any other condition that would preclude study
compliance (treatment administration and study follow-up)

- Legal incapacity or physical, psychological or mental status interfering with the
patient's ability to sign the informed consent or to terminate the study