Acupuncture for Nasal Congestion in Allergic Rhinitis (ANCAR)
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Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a disorder that affects more than 500 million people worldwide. Nasal congestion is one of the most general and bothersome symptoms in rhinitis, which affects the quality of life (QOL). Current medications are undesirable due to their side-effects. Acupuncture for AR in general can be considered as safe and can be seen as a potential remedial blueprint for nasal congestion. Evidence supported that acupuncture is clinically used for signs and symptoms of nose disorders, such as nasal congestion, with effectiveness, but whether acupuncture has immediate, post-treatment and long-term effects on nasal congestion in AR is not verified by strictly designed clinical study. The ANCAR trial uses a standard treatment protocol with a fixed set of acupuncture points - to be as scientific as possible from Western medical viewpoint - to open the nose and affect underlying energetic imbalance and immunity at the same time, to maintain its nose opening effect. This novel acupuncture treatment protocol can be seen as a solid and profound approach from which every AR patient may benefit.Phase:
N/AAccepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Johanna Maria VermeulenCollaborators:
Mermaid Medicine®
Nanjing University of Chinese MedicineTreatments:
Histamine Antagonists
Histamine H1 Antagonists
Inclusion Criteria:- Diagnosed AR by a physician
- Seasonal (SAR) and perennial (PAR) allergic rhinitis (including mixed AR (MAR))
- VAS nasal congestion: 3-10 (= moderate and severe nasal congestion)
- Age: from 18 years
- Signed Informed Consent
Exclusion Criteria:
- COVID-19
- Acute common cold
- Influenza
- Fever (38°C or higher)
- Acute nasal trauma (such as a fracture and epistaxis)
- Irreversible nasal blockages (such as septum deviation, concha bullosa, polyps and
- Nasal and sinus cancer
- Pregnancy or planning for pregnancy
- Consumed decongestions, antihistamines, antibiotics or corticosteroids within 2 weeks
before the RCT
- Received acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine or another complementary treatment
within 2 weeks before the RCT
- Received immunotherapy within 2 weeks before the RCT
- Participants refusing or unable to sign Informed Consent