
Adaptation of Thirst to a Single Administration of Tolvaptan (TOLVATHIRST)

Unknown status
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
Tolvaptan is a new drug that specifically antagonizes the V2-receptor of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and leads to water diuresis: During acute administration of tolvaptan, the main fear is to induce a too fast increase in plasma sodium concentration and in turn brain damageHowever, the tolvaptan-induced increase in plasma sodium concentration is expected to stimulate thirst, preventing major negative water balance. The investigators hypothesize that tolvaptan-induced increase in plasma osmolality (and sodium concentration) is dependent of thirst adaptation that is influenced by physiological factors, namely age and sex. To address the effect of a single oral administration of tolvaptan at a dosage used during hyponatremia (15 mg) under free water access in healthy volunteers. Primary outcome will be the maximal change in serum sodium concentration within the 6 hours following tolvaptan administration.
Phase 2
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Lead Sponsor:
Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris
Otsuka Pharmaceutical Europe Ltd
Inclusion Criteria:

- To be 18-85 years old at the date of inclusion, both sex

- to have his/her full-legal capacity and understand the study protocol,

- to be covered by health insurance,

- to give his/her written informed consent

Exclusion Criteria:

- On-going pregnancy,

- women of childbearing age without efficient contraception,

- breastfeeding women,

- all acute (less than 7 days) pathological conditions,

- all active chronic diseases, especially those that could be interfering with water
balance and/or thirst and/or renal response to tolvaptan,

- any prohibited treatment since at least 8 days (tolerated : calcium channel blockers,
statins, acetaminophen, oral contraception and impregnated sterilets of progesterone
are tolerated if necessary),

- hypersensitivity to tolvaptan or its excipients

- severe history of allergy (i.e. dyspnea, edema, cutaneous rash…) secondary to any drug

- participants with anuria orurinary pathway obstruction (complete or partial)

- natremia ≤133 mmol/l or ≥145 mmol/l

- hypovolemia

- SGOT, SGPT > 1.5 fold upper normal values

- estimated GFR (CKD epi) < 60 ml/min/1.73 m2,)

- current participation to (or being in exclusion period of) another interventional