An Investigation of the Sleep Architecture and Consequent Cognitive Changes in Olanzapine-Treated Depressed Patients
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
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OBJECTIVES: Primary Objective: To assess the objective (polysomnographic) changes in sleep quality before and after introduction of olanzapine in treatment of patients with depression. Secondary Objectives: To assess the subjective changes in sleep quality parameters before and at different stages after introduction of olanzapine in treatment, longitudinally, and to correlate these changes with measures of illness severity and changes in cognition. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective, double blind, randomized polysomnographic (PSG) study of patients before and after treatment with olanzapine. PSG recordings will be done three times throughout the study: before starting olanzapine augmentation (baseline), at day 3 to 5 (acute) and day 28 to 31 (chronic). PSG will be completed at patients' homes with a portable PSG. Psychiatric scales, subjective sleep quality scales, and cognition measurements will be completed at each visit.Phase:
Phase 4Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Queen's UniversityCollaborator:
Eli Lilly and CompanyTreatments:
Inclusion Criteria:1. A diagnosis of major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder type 1, 2 or NOS by
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders- Fourth Edition (DSM-IV)
2. Current depressive episode with a HAMD-17 of > 15
3. Males or females over age18 years (yrs)
4. Inpatients or outpatients
5. Female patients of childbearing potential must be using a reliable method of
contraception and have a negative urine human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) test at
6. Able to understand and comply with the requirements of the study
7. Provision of written informed consent
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Current manic, hypomanic or mixed episode, with YMRS > 12
2. Current or past diagnosis of schizophrenia and dementia
3. Pregnant women, or women in childbearing age, not willing to use appropriate
contraception or women currently nursing
4. Patient on any other antipsychotic medication
5. Patients who, in the opinion of the investigator, pose an imminent risk of suicide or
a danger to self or others
6. Known intolerance or lack of response to olanzapine, as judged by the investigator
7. Benzodiazepines and all other sleep-aids must be discontinued prior to participation
in the study if they have not been at a stable dosage for the 4 weeks previous to
entry into the study
8. No change to the current medication regime (excluding discontinuation of sleep aids
and antipsychotic medications) is allowed 4 weeks prior to the first PSG reading
9. Administration of a depot antipsychotic injection within two dosing interval (for the
depot) before randomization
10. Substance or alcohol dependence at enrolment or in the last three months (except for
caffeine or nicotine dependence), as defined by DSM-IV criteria
11. Serious, unstable or inadequately treated medical illness as judged by the
12. History of epilepsy or uncontrolled seizures
13. Involvement in the planning and conduct of the study
14. Previous enrolment in the present study
15. Participation in another drug trial within 4 weeks prior enrolment into this study or
longer in accordance with local requirements