Assessment of Intralipid Efficacy in Women With Unexplained Recurrent Implantation Failure
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
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The study will include 100 women with unexplained recurrent implantation failure undergoing IVF/ICSI cycle. Patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria will be randomised into two groups. Study Group: This group will include 50 women with unexplained recurrent implantation failure undergoing a trial of IVF/ICSI. This group will receive intravenous infusion of intralipid 20%, on the day of oocyte retrieval, a second dose on/ the following day of positive pregnancy test and a final dose 2-3 weeks later when attending for pregnancy scan. Control Group: This group will include 50 women with unexplained recurrent implantation failure undergoing a trial of IVF/ICSI. This group will receive intravenous infusion of placebo, on the day of oocyte retrieval, a second dose on/ the following day of positive pregnancy test and a final dose 2-3 weeks later when attending for pregnancy scan.Phase:
Phase 4Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Dar El Teb InstituteTreatments:
Soybean oil, phospholipid emulsion
Inclusion Criteria:- Age 20-38 years of age.
- Repeated implantation failure with 3 or more failed IVF cycles with good quality
- Normal trans-vaginal ultrasonography.
- Normal hysteroscopy.
- Normal male and female karyotyping.
- Normal anti cardiolipin antibody IGG, IGM and Lupus anticoagulant.
- Normal thrombophilia screen in the form of protein c, s, anti thrombin iii and factor
v leiden.
- Written and signed informed consent by the patient to participate in the study.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Age more than 38 years.
- Less than 3 failed IVF cycles.
- Poor embryo quality.
- Expected poor ovarian response.
- Abnormal trans-vaginal ultrasound findings e.g. endometrial polyps or fibroids.
- Abnormal male or female karyotyping.
- Abnormal hysteroscopic finding e.g. endometrial polyps, endometrial hyperplasia,
fibroid or congenital anomalies.
- Positive Anticardiolipin antibodies or Lupus anticoagulant.
- Positive thrombophilia screen.
- Allergy to soy oil, eggs, peanut, peanut-based products or any active ingredient in
the infusion.
- Mental condition rendering the patients unable to understand the nature, scope and
possible consequences of the study.