Augmenting Atropine Treatment for Amblyopia in Children 3 to < 8 Years Old
Trial end date:
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This study is designed to evaluate the effectiveness of adding a plano lens to weekend atropine after visual acuity has stabilized with weekend atropine but amblyopia is still present. Children ages 3 to <8 years with visual acuity of 20/50 to 20/400 in the amblyopic eye will be enrolled in a run-in phase with weekend atropine until no improvement, followed by randomization of eligible patients to weekend atropine treatment with a plano lens over the sound eye versus without a plano lens over the sound eye. The primary objective is to determine if adding a plano lens to weekend atropine will improve visual acuity in patients with amblyopia still present after visual acuity has stabilized with initial treatment.Phase:
Phase 3Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Jaeb Center for Health ResearchCollaborator:
National Eye Institute (NEI)Treatments:
Inclusion Criteria:Major Eligibility Criteria for Run-in Phase
- Age 3 to < 8 years
- Amblyopia associated with strabismus, anisometropia, or both
- Visual acuity in the amblyopic eye between 20/50 and 20/400 inclusive
- Visual acuity in the sound eye 20/32 or better and inter-eye acuity difference >3
logMAR lines
- Amblyopia treatment within the past 6 months subject to the following stipulations:
- No more than 6 weeks of any amblyopia treatment other than spectacles (except for
patients being treated with atropine who are entering the study on treatment)
- No simultaneous treatment with patching and atropine
- No use of atropine in combination with the sound eye spectacle lens reduced by
more than 1.50 D
- Maximum level of treatment within the past 6 months:
- Patching: up to 2 hours daily
- Atropine: up to once daily
- Wearing spectacles with optimal correction (if amblyopic eye acuity is 20/80 or
better, then VA must be stable in glasses; if amblyopic eye acuity is 20/100 or worse,
then spectacles and atropine can be initiated simultaneously).
- Hypermetropia and spectacle correction in sound eye of +1.50 D or more
Eligibility Criteria for Randomization:
- Amblyopic eye acuity of 20/40 to 20/160 with an inter-ocular difference of >2 lines,
or amblyopic eye acuity of 20/32 with 3 lines of IOD.
- Compliance with weekend atropine treatment based on investigator judgment.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Currently using vision therapy or orthoptics
- Ocular cause for reduced visual acuity (nystagmus per se does not exclude the patient
if the above visual acuity criteria are met)
- Prior intraocular or refractive surgery
- Known allergy to atropine or other cycloplegic drugs
- Down Syndrome present