Bendamustine-based Combination Therapy for PCNSL
Unknown status
Unknown status
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This pilot study will i) evaluate the efficacy and the safety of bendamustine-based combination chemotherapy and ii) investigate the pharmacokinetics (PK)of bendamustine in plasma and CSF when given as salvage treatment for patients with relapsed or refractory primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL).Phase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Chonnam National University Hospital
Inclusion Criteria:1. PCNSL of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) with a CNS lesion by tissue biopsy
2. Age ≥ 19 years old
3. Relapsed or refractory PCNSL after frontline combined chemotherapy or radiation
4. ECOG performance status 0-2
5. Absolute neutrophil count ≥ 1000/uL
6. Platelets ≥ 100,000/uL
7. Total bilirubin ≤ 1.5 x ULN (upper limit of normal)
8. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) ≤ 3 x ULN
9. Creatinine ≤ 2.0 x ULN
Exclusion Criteria:
1. PCNSL of other than DLBCL or T-cell lymphoma with a CNS lesion by tissue biopsy
2. Any of the following: pregnant women, nursing women, men or women of childbearing
potential who are unwilling to employ adequate contraception
3. Uncontrolled infection
4. Therapy with myelosuppressive chemotherapy or biologic therapy < 21 days prior to
5. Persistent toxicities ≥ grade 3 from prior chemotherapy or biologic therapy regardless
of interval since last treatment
6. History of thromboembolic episodes ≤ 3 months prior to registration
7. Active hepatitis B or C with uncontrolled disease
8. Active other malignancy requiring treatment that would interfere with the assessments
of response of the lymphoma to protocol treatment
9. Any severe and/or uncontrolled medical conditions or other conditions that could
adversely impact their ability to participate in the study
10. Major surgery ≤ 4 weeks prior to registration or have not recovered from side effects
of such therapy