Berinert (C1INH) vs Placebo for DGF/IRI
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This is a Phase I/II double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study assessing safety and limited efficacy of intraoperative C1INH (500U/kidney) vs. Placebo administered into the graft renal artery 1-2 hours prior to implantation in adult subjects receiving a deceased donor kidney allograft considered high-risk for development of DGF (KDPI>80). Once eligible patients are identified, consented, and have an acceptable kidney transplant offer, they will be randomized by the Cedars-Sinai Research Pharmacy to receive study drug vs. placebo. Drug and placebo will be prepared by the Cedars-Sinai Research Pharmacy and conveyed to the operating room in a blinded manner. The drug will be administered by the transplant surgeon in the OR in a blinded manner.Phase:
Phase 1/Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Cedars-Sinai Medical CenterCollaborator:
OneLegacy FoundationTreatments:
Complement C1 Inactivator ProteinsComplement C1 Inhibitor Protein
Complement C1s
Inclusion Criteria:1. Adult men or women (18-70 years of age) who are on chronic dialysis therapy and
acceptable candidates for receipt of a kidney transplant.
2. Recipients who are ABO compatible with donor allograft
3. Understand and sign a written inform consent prior to any study specific procedure
4. Women of childbearing potential must have a negative pregnancy test prior to
randomization, and must be on an acceptable form of birth control.
5. . AND one of the below criteria:
a)Recipients of kidney allograft from KDPI >80 donors b)Recipients of kidney allograft
from DCD donors c)Recipients of kidney allograft with CIT > 24 hours d)Recipients of
kidney allograft from donor on HD/CRRT prior to death/procurement e)Recipients of
kidney allograft with donor terminal creatinine SCr ≥3.0 mg/dL f)Patient risk a total
risk index score of >/=3
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Patients with a known pro-thrombotic disorder. (eg. Factor V Leiden)
2. Patients with a history of thrombosis or hypercoagulable state, excluding access
3. Patients with a history of administration of C1INH containing products or recombinant
C1INH within 15 days prior to study entry.
4. Patients with a known hypersensitivity to treatment with C1INH.
5. Patients with an abnormal coagulation function. (INR>2, PTT> 50, PLT<60,000)who are
not on anti-coagulation.
6. Patients with known active presence of malignancies.
7. Patients who arePCR positive for Hep B, Hep C, or HIV.
8. Recipients of pre-emptive kidney transplantation.
9. All zero mismatch kidneys.
10. Recipients of multi-organ transplants. (kidney and any other organ)
11. Recipients of kidney allograft that was on pump preservation for any period prior to
12. Recipients of kidney allograft from a living donor.13)Female subjects who are pregnant
or lactating.