Brain Mechanisms in Young Adults
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The goal of this study is to use [C-11]NPA and amphetamine (oral, 0.5 mg/kg) to measure striatal dopamine transmission in prenatal cocaine exposed subjects (PCE) and comparison subjects (COMP)Phase:
Early Phase 1Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Gale RichardsonCollaborator:
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)Treatments:
All potential subjects are current participants in the larger parent study entitled"Effects of Prenatal Cocaine Exposure: 25-Year Follow-Up", IRB PRO15080516. Participants
are between 25 and 30 years of age.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Prenatal cocaine exposed subjects (PCE): Offspring exposed to prenatal cocaine
(concurrent exposure to prenatal alcohol and tobacco are not exclusionary) as
determined by detailed interviewing during pregnancy
- Comparison group (COMP): Offspring NOT exposed to prenatal cocaine (exposure to
prenatal alcohol and tobacco are not exclusionary) as determined by detailed
interviewing during pregnancy.
Exclusion criteria for both PCE and COMP groups:
- No current mania or psychosis based on current mental status exam and SCID-IV modules
A (pages A18-A37) and B (pages B1-B8);
- No current cocaine, heroin, opioid, methadone, benzodiazepine, methamphetamine use
(negative urine drug screen at both day of screening and the day of PET scan);
- No current use of cannabis (a negative urine drug screen on day of PET scan; Note: a
positive cannabis urine on the day of screening will not be exclusionary because
cannabis tends to be used for recreation; and it takes a long time for it turn
negative because it is released from fat cells in body long after subject has quit;
and it has been shown to not impact amphetamine-induced dopamine release in prior
- Not currently taking prescription or over the counter medications that can alter
monoamine transmission in the brain or interact with the d-amphetamine challenge or
alter amphetamine concentrations (major CYP2D6 inhibitors such as fluoxetine,
thioridazine, terbinafine etc., as well as pseudo-ephedrine, atomoxetine, SSRIs,
- No use of acidifying (fruit juice; beverages; ascorbic acid) and alkalinizing agents
(such as sodium bicarbonate) that alter amphetamine concentrations at least 12 hrs
before PET scan day;
- No current or past severe medical or neurological illnesses such as seizure disorders,
head injury with prolonged loss of consciousness, hypertension, prior MI, CAD etc.,
(determined by physician investigator's elicited medical history, physical exam,
review of labs, and EKG results);
- Not currently pregnant (serum pregnancy test at screening) or breastfeeding;
- No history of radioactivity exposure via prior nuclear medicine studies or
occupational exposure in past 12 months;
- No metallic objects in the body that are contraindicated for MRI;
- SBP > 135, DBP > 85, and/or HR ≤ 50 or ≥ 100 (documented before the PET scans; Note:
it is not unusual to have to repeat screening vital signs in subjects' because some
subjects tend to have white coat syndrome and present with elevated vitals at
screening, which later normalizes);
- No first-degree relative with an MI or stroke or TIA prior to 50 years of age;
- No first-degree relative with psychosis or mania.