COVID-19 Administration of Single-Dose Subcutaneous Anti- Spike(s) SARS-CoV-2 Monoclonal Antibodies Casirivimab and Imdevimab in High-Risk Pediatric Participants Under 12 Years of Age
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The primary objective of the study is to characterize the concentrations of casirivimab+imdevimab in serum over time after a single subcutaneous (SC) administration The secondary objectives of the study are: - To assess the safety and tolerability of SC or single administration of casirivimab+imdevimab - To assess the occurrence of grade ≥3 injection site reactions and grade ≥3 hypersensitivity reactions, in participants treated with SC doses of casirivimab+imdevimab - To assess the immunogenicity of casirivimab+imdevimabPhase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
Key Inclusion Criteria:1. Is <12 years of age and ≥3 kg to <40 kg at the time parental/guardian consent is
2. Has at least one risk factor for developing severe COVID-19 if they were to become
infected, such as:
1. Obesity (BMI [kg/m2] ≥95th percentile for age and sex based on CDC growth charts)
2. Cardiovascular disease
3. Chronic lung disease
4. Type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus
5. Chronic kidney disease, including those on dialysis
6. Chronic liver disease
7. Immunocompromised or immunodeficient, based on Investigator's assessment
(examples include cancer treatment, bone marrow or organ transplantation, immune
deficiencies, HIV infection, sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, and prolonged use
of immune-weakening medications)
8. Medical complexities (examples include any underlying genetic condition,
neurologic condition, metabolic condition, or congenital heart disease)
9. Any other condition deemed by the Investigator to be a risk factor for severe
Key Exclusion Criteria:
1. Has positive diagnostic test for SARS-CoV-2 infection from a sample collected during
screening ≤7 days prior to study drug administration Note: The sample for the test
should be collected ≤7 days within study drug administration, and the result should be
reviewed and confirmed negative prior to dosing. Historical records will not be
2. Has active respiratory or non-respiratory symptoms consistent with COVID-19 in the
opinion of the Investigator
3. Has subject-reported clinical history of COVID-19, as determined by Investigator,
within the last 90 days
4. Has subject-reported history of prior Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)/approved
positive diagnostic test for SARSCoV-2 infection within the last 90 days
5. Is currently hospitalized or was hospitalized for >24 hours for any reason within 14
days of the screening visit
6. Prior use (within 90 days prior to study drug administration) or current use of any
investigational, authorized, or approved passive antibody for prophylaxis of
SARS-CoV-2 infection, including convalescent plasma, convalescent sera, hyperimmune
globulin, or other monoclonal antibodies (eg, bamlanivimab and etesevimab, sotrovimab)
7. Has initiated vaccination for SARS-CoV-2 with an investigational or approved vaccine,
but has not completed the vaccine schedule as recommended by the vaccine manufacturer.
8. Plans to receive an investigational or approved SARS-CoV-2 vaccine within 90 days
after study drug administration, or per the recommended time frame from the current
Centers for Disease Control vaccination guidelines (CDC, 2021b)
NOTE: Other protocol-defined Inclusion/ Exclusion Criteria apply