Carbon-11 Butanol: Whole Body Radiochemical and Radiation Safety
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This will be a Phase 1, open label, imaging study of radiochemical and radiation safety in healthy volunteers. Using positron emission tomography (PET) and in-line computed tomography (CT), the whole body (WB) biokinetics of Carbon-11 butanol will be quantified with serial scans acquired every 3 minutes for two hours. Vital signs (VS), electrocardiograms (ECGs) and clinical laboratory tests of intrernal organ function will be acquired before and at several timepoints after administration of the radiopharmaceutical. Radiation exposures will be estimated with the MIRD Formalism.Phase:
Early Phase 1Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Accepts Healthy VolunteersDetails
Lead Sponsor:
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Inclusion Criteria:- able to give informed consent.
- age 18-89
- Subjectively healthy and, in the opinion of the investigators, likely to tolerate the
imaging procedures and be compliant with the schedule of follow up telephone calls.
- Normal hemodynamic function. Systolic blood pressure and pulse must be higher than 120
mmHg and 60 beats per minute while sitting. At the discretion of the investigators,
people who regularly engage in vigorous exercise more than four times per week may be
enrolled if their systolic blood pressure and pulse are higher than 100 mmHg and 50
beats per minute while sitting.
- Unremarkable electrocardiograms, with PR intervals of less than 200 mSec and QTcF
intervals (corrected with Frederica's method) of less than 440 mSec.
- No concurrent medications with the exception of p.r.n. NSAIDS, which must be
discontinued one week prior to PET scanning.
- Willing and able to refrain from abusing any recreational drugs, including marijuana,
and drink less than one unit of alcoholic beverages per day starting one week prior to
PET scanning, and avoided for the next four weeks.
- Willing to refrain from donating blood for four (4) weeks before the study and for
four (4) weeks after the study.
- Willing to refrain from participating in any other research study that requires taking
medication for four (4) weeks before the study and for four (4) weeks after the study.
- Willing to refrain from being vaccinated for four (4) weeks before the study and for
four (4) weeks after the study.
- All clinical laboratory test results within normal limits or not clinically
significant. For example, elevated bilirubin levels in subjects with Gilbert's
syndrome will be allowed, as will small red blood cell volumes in healthy people with
sickle cell trait.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Subjects may not be a member of a vulnerable population.
- Women may not be pregnant or breast feeding.
- History of multiple hypersensitivity reactions (atopia), as indicated by allergies to
multiple medications, foods, and seasonal pollens.
- History, physical examination, or clinical laboratory tests suggestive of a condition,
disorder, or disease that could adversely affect drug absorption, distribution,
metabolism, or elimination (ADME) of the tracer, including chronic liver or renal
- Positive urine toxicology screen for recreational drugs other than marijuana.
- May not have taken any controlled medications, including other study drugs, in the 30
days prior to PET scanning or for 10 half-lives, whichever is longer.
- May not have donated blood in the 30 days prior to PET scanning.
- May not have participated in research administering drugs in the last 30 days.
- May not have been vaccinated in the 30 days prior to PET scanning.
- May not have been exposed to radiation during research of more than 10 mSv during the
last year.