Clinical Trail of SARS-CoV-2 Bivalent mRNA Vaccine (LVRNA021) as Booster in Participants Aged 18 Years and Older
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This is a multi-center, randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled, phase 3 clinical study to evaluate the efficacy, safety and immunogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 bivalent mRNA vaccine (LVRNA021) as booster in participants aged 18 years and older who completed primary/1 booster dose(s) of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination.Phase:
Phase 3Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Accepts Healthy VolunteersDetails
Lead Sponsor:
AIM Vaccine Co., Ltd.Collaborators:
LiveRNA Therapeutics Inc.Ningbo Rongan Biological Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
Inclusion Criteria:1. Adults aged 18 years and older;
2. Understand the content of the ICF, and voluntarily sign the ICF (If the participant is
unable to sign the ICF on his/her own due to illiteracy, an impartial witness is
3. Participants who are willing and able to comply with all scheduled visits, vaccination
plan, laboratory tests, lifestyle considerations, and other study procedures;
4. Female participants of childbearing potential or partners of male participants:
voluntarily agree to use effective contraception with their partners prior to the
first vaccination and must agree to continue such precautions during the study until 3
months after booster vaccination [Effective contraception includes oral
contraceptives, injectable or implantable contraception, extended-release topical
contraceptives, hormonal patches, intrauterine devices (IUDs), sterilization,
abstinence, condoms (for male), diaphragms, cervical caps, etc.);
5. For female participants: without childbearing potential (amenorrhea for at least 1
year or documented surgical sterilization) or have used effective contraception with a
negative pregnancy test before booster vaccination in this study;
6. On the day of vaccination and 24 hours prior to vaccination, axillary
7. Healthy participants or participants with mild underlying disease [in a stable state
without exacerbation (no admission to hospital or no major adjustment to treatment
regimen, etc.) for at least 3 months prior to enrollment in this study];
8. Participants who have received primary/1 booster dose(s) of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination
(including primary series of inactivated vaccine, mRNA vaccine, adenovirus vaccine or
1 homologous/heterologous booster), with the last dose received at least 6 months
before enrolment. Documented confirmation of prior SARS-CoV-2 vaccination receipt must
be obtained prior to randomization;
Exclusion Criteria:
1. History of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
(MERS), or other coronavirus infections at any time;
2. History of hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis infection based on medical
3. History of severe adverse reaction associated with a vaccine or drug and/or severe
allergic reaction (e.g., anaphylaxis) to any component of the study intervention(s);
4. Receipt of medications intended to treat COVID-19 within 6 months;
5. Virologically confirmed SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis within 6 months before screening visit;
6. Positive nasopharyngeal/oropharyngeal swab SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR test result at screening;
7. Positive HIV test result at screening;
8. A history or family history of convulsions, epilepsy, encephalopathy and psychosis;
9. Malignant tumors in the active phase, malignant tumors not receiving adequate
treatment, malignant tumors at potential risk of recurrence during the study period;
10. Asplenia or functional asplenia, complete or partial splenectomy from any cause;
11. Individuals who receive treatment with radiotherapy or immunosuppressive therapy,
including cytotoxic agents or systemic corticosteroids (if systemic corticosteroids
are administered for ≥14 days at a dose of ≥20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent),
e.g., for cancer or an autoimmune disease, or planned receipt throughout the study.
Inhaled/nebulized, intra-articular, epidural, or topical (skin or eyes)
corticosteroids are permitted;
12. Any other licensed vaccines given within 28 days prior to vaccination, planned
administration of any other vaccines within 28 days after vaccination, or planned
administration of other COVID-19 vaccines during the entire study duration;
13. Receipt of blood/plasma products, immunoglobulin, or monoclonal antibodies, from 60
days before vaccine administration, or receipt of any passive antibody therapy
specific to COVID-19, from 90 days before vaccine administration, or planned receipt
throughout the study;
14. Blood donation or blood loss ≥ 450 mL within 1 month prior to enrollment or planned to
donate blood during the study period;
15. Participation in other studies involving study intervention within 28 days prior to
study entry, and/or during the study;
16. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding;
17. Participants deemed unsuitable for participation in this study based on the
investigator's assessment.