Colchicine to Suppress Inflammation and Improve Insulin Resistance in Adults and Adolescents With Obesity
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
Background: About 40 percent of adults and 20 percent of adolescents in the U.S. have a body mass index over 30 kg/m2. Being overweight may lead to a state of low-level inflammation. This may cause health problems. Researchers want to see if an anti-inflammatory medicine can help. Objective: To learn if colchicine can improve metabolism in people who have high body weight, increased inflammation, and high insulin in the blood but who have not yet developed high blood sugar. Eligibility: People aged 12 and older with high body weight who may have increased inflammation and high insulin in the blood. Healthy adult volunteers are also needed. Design: Participants will be screened with the following: Medical history Physical exam Fasting blood tests Urine tests Electrocardiogram Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (They will lie on a table while a camera passes over their body.) Stool sample and 24-hour food diary (optional) Participants will have 3 study visits and 3 phone check-ins. At visits, they will repeat some screening tests. Healthy volunteers will have the baseline visit only. They will not get the study drug. At the baseline visit, participants will have an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT). For this, they will drink a sweet liquid and then give blood samples. They will get a 12-week supply of the study drug or placebo to take daily by mouth. Participants will have study visits 6 weeks and 12 weeks after they started taking the study drug. At the 12-week visit, they will repeat the OGTT. Participation will last for 3 (Omega) to 4 months. ...Phase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)Treatments:
- INCLUSION CRITERIA:All races/ethnicities and people of all genders are eligible to participate.
Participants who will be randomized to colchicine or placebo must meet all of the following
Inclusion Criteria:
1. Good general health. In general subjects should take no medications. The use of
over-the-counter and prescription medications will be reviewed on a case-by-case
basis; depending on the medication, subjects who have continued to take prescription
medication or have stopped taking an exclusionary medication for at least 3 months
prior to study entry may be still eligible.
2. Age >= 18y for adults; age 12y to <18y for adolescents
3. Obesity BMI >= 30 kg/m2 (adults) or BMI >= 95th percentile for age and sex per Centers
for Disease Control Standards (adolescents)
4. Weight <= 450 lbs (204.5 kg)
5. For females of reproductive potential: use of highly effective contraception for at
least 1 month prior to screening and agreement to use such a method during study
6. HOMA-IR >= 2.6 mg/L, calculated as fasting glucose (in mg/dL) x insulin in
(microIU/mL/ 405). Our goal is to enroll participants who have pre-existing insulin
7. hsCRP >= 2.0 mg/L. We aim to recruit participants with increased baseline level of
inflammation. Individuals with hsCRP above 2.0 mg/L have been shown to have an
increased risk for cardiovascular events.
8. Willing to be randomized (willing and able to give consent/assent as required for
randomized study).
Participants who will be evaluated but are not eligible for randomization (Evaluation Only
Arm) must meet all of the following Inclusion Criteria:
1. Good general health. In general subjects should take no medications. The use of
over-the-counter and prescription medications will be reviewed on a case-by-case
basis; depending on the medication, subjects who have continued to take prescription
medication or have stopped taking an exclusionary medication for at least 3 months
prior to study entry may still be eligible.
2. Age >= 18y
3. BMI >= 18 kg/m2
4. Weight <= 450 lbs (204.5 kg)
5. For females of reproductive potential: use of highly effective contraception for at
least 1 month prior to screening and agreement to use such a method during study
6. Willing and able to provide consent for Evaluation-Only study
All individuals meeting any of the exclusion criteria at screening or baseline will be
excluded from study participation.
Exclusion Criteria for subject randomized to colchicine or placebo:
1. Individuals with significant medical comorbidities (e.g. NYHA Class III or IV heart
failure, or CKD Stage 3b or worse (eGFR < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2), or American Society of
Anesthesiologists Physical Status Class 3 or above) or other serious disorders at the
discretion of the investigators.
2. HbA1c > 7.0%
3. Type 2 diabetes mellitus, as determined by either having:
1. clear clinical diagnosis of diabetes, such as a patient in a hyperglycemic crisis
or classic symptoms of hyperglycemia and a random plasma glucose >= 200 mg/dL
2. two of the following three:
i. fasting plasma glucose >= 126 mg/dL
ii. Hemoglobin A1c >= 6.5%
iii. An oral glucose tolerance test glucose concentration of >= 200 mg/dL at 2 hours.
c. one of the above three criteria (bi.-biii.) meeting the T2DM cutoff on two
different days.
If only one of the above three criteria (bi.-biii.) meet the T2DM threshold during the
Screening Visit, that test will be repeated on another day to determine if the subject
has T2DM or not. As per ADA guidelines, The diagnosis [of T2DM] is made on the basis
of the confirmed test.
Moreover, because HbA1c has been shown to be higher in African Americans (AA) as
compared to other races for the same glycemia, AA who do not have diabetes may be
unfairly excluded by their HbA1c alone 96-98. Therefore, for AA subjects, if their
fasting glucose is in the non-diabetes range, and the HbA1c is < 7.0%, we will
consider them not to have diabetes.
4. Recent or regular use of colchicine, anorexiant, or diabetic medications in the last 3
months, or plan to start in the following 3 months.
5. Recent or regular use of anti-inflammatory medications (e.g. prednisone, NSAIDs) in
the last 7 days, or plan to start in the following 3 months.
6. Current use of a strong or moderate CYP3A4 inhibitor or P-glycoprotein (P-gp), as this
may cause a significant increase in colchicine plasma concentrations and risk for side
effects. Oral contraceptive use will be permitted, provided the contraceptive has been
used for at least two months before starting study medication. The use of
over-the-counter and prescription medications will be reviewed on a case-by-case
basis; depending on the medication, subjects who have continued to take prescription
medication or have stopped taking an exclusionary medication for at least 3 months
prior to study entry may be eligible.
7. Known allergy to colchicine.
8. Previous history of agranulocytosis, gout, or significant myositis.
9. Females who are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, currently nursing an infant, or
have irregular menses, defined as cycles less than 21 days or greater than 45 days in
premenopausal women.
10. Individuals who have current substance abuse or a DSM 5 Axis I psychiatric disorder or
DSM Axis II Mental Retardation diagnosis that in the opinion of the investigators
would impede competence, compliance, or participation in the study.
11. Current users of tobacco or nicotine (e.g. nicotine patch, e-cigarettes) products.
12. Participation in a formal weight loss program (e.g. Weight Watchers) or recent weight
change of more than 3% of body weight in the past two months.
Exclusion Criteria for subjects who are evaluated but not eligible for randomization
(Evaluation Only Arm):
We will use the same exclusion criteria as employed for randomized participants (see