Combination Chemotherapy in Treating Women With Stage II or Stage III Breast Cancer
Unknown status
Unknown status
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
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RATIONALE: Drugs used in chemotherapy use different ways to stop tumor cells from dividing so they stop growing or die. Combining more than one drug may kill more tumor cells. It is not yet known which regimen of chemotherapy is more effective for breast cancer. PURPOSE: Randomized phase III trial to compare the effectiveness of two regimens of combination chemotherapy in treating women who have stage II or stage III breast cancer.Phase:
Phase 3Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria San Martino - IST Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro, Genoa, ItalyTreatments:
Albumin-Bound Paclitaxel
DISEASE CHARACTERISTICS: Histologically confirmed stage IIA, IIB, or III breast cancertreated with radical surgery (e.g., mastectomy, quadrantectomy, tumorectomy) and axillary
lymph node dissection Positive axillary lymph nodes No more than 9 metastatic lymph nodes
No distant metastases or local or locoregional disease No more than 5 weeks between surgery
and beginning of study Hormone receptor status: Not specified
PATIENT CHARACTERISTICS: Age: 70 and under Sex: Female Menopausal status: Not specified
Performance status: ECOG 0 Life expectancy: Not specified Hematopoietic: WBC at least
3,000/mm3 Absolute neutrophil count at least 2,000/mm3 Platelet count at least 100,000/mm3
Hepatic: Transaminases, alkaline phosphatase, and gamma glutamyltransferase no greater than
1.5 times upper limit of normal Renal: Not specified Cardiovascular: No heart disease that
precludes use of anthracyclines (i.e., myocardial infarction, uncontrolled angina pectoris,
uncontrolled arrhythmias, or valve disease) Other: No concurrent pathology that precludes
use of antineoplastic drugs No mental retardation or psychiatric disease that precludes
study No other current or prior malignancy within the past 10 years except squamous or
basal cell skin cancer or carcinoma in situ of the cervix Not pregnant or nursing Fertile
patients must use effective contraception
PRIOR CONCURRENT THERAPY: Biologic therapy: Not specified Chemotherapy: No prior
chemotherapy Endocrine therapy: No prior antineoplastic hormonal therapy Radiotherapy: No
postoperative radiotherapy except to residual breast Surgery: See Disease Characteristics