
Comparison of Two Different Doses of Rabbit ATG-Fresenius With Cyclosporin in the Treatment of Acquired Aplastic Anaemia

Unknown status
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Acquired Aplastic anemia is one of the most frequent reason of bone marrow failure in East (Pakistan). - The first treatment option is Allogenic Bone Marrow transplantation which is an expansive treatment option and also require a full matched HLA identical donor, hence hardly 25% of our affected patients get opportunity for BMT. - The second line treatment option caters a large chunk of patients (severe and non-severe AA) along with those who lack HLA identical donor. Previously many protocols had been used in past for ATG+CsA Treatment, this treatment protocol especially addresses the two different regimens of ATG to study its efficacy, durability and long-term effects. Following doses would be used: - CsA+ATG @ 10mg/kg for 3 days - CsA+ATG @ 10mg/kg for 5 days
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
National Institute of Blood Disease Center, Pakistan
Inclusion Criteria:

i. Severe aplastic anemia characterized by: Bone marrow cellularity <30% (excluding
lymphocytes) AND

At least two of the following:

a. Absolute neutrophil count < 500/ uL b. Platelet count < 20,000/ uL c. Absolute
reticulocyte count <60,000/ uL i. Age > 2 years old ii. Weight > 9 kg

Exclusion Criteria:

i. Diagnosis of Fanconi's anemia ii. Evidence of a clonal disorder on cytogenetics.
Patients with very severe neutropenia (ANC < 200 /uL) will be excluded iii. Failure of BMT
iv. Prior immunosuppressive therapy with ATG, ALG, alemtuzumab, or high dose
cyclophosphamide v. Infection not adequately responding to appropriate therapy vi.
Serologic evidence of HIV infection vii. Failure to discontinue the herbal supplements or
Other alternative approach of treatment within 2 weeks of enrolment viii. Moribund status
or concurrent hepatic, renal, cardiac, neurologic, pulmonary, infectious, or metabolic
disease of such severity that it would preclude the patient's ability to tolerate protocol
therapy, or that death within 7-10 days is likely ix. History of carcinoma that is not
considered cured (except local cervical, basal cell, or squamous cell) x. Current
pregnancy, or unwillingness to take oral contraceptives or refrain from pregnancy if of
childbearing potential xi. Not able to understand the investigational nature of the study
or give informed consent