Correction of Anaemia and Progression of Renal Failure on Transplanted Patients
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
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The purpose of this study is to evaluate, on renal transplanted patients with CGD, the effect of two levels of haemoglobin on quality of life at 6 months and the speed of progression of renal function degradation at 24 months. This study will recruit 140 patients in 21 centers in France.Phase:
Phase 4Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, AmiensCollaborator:
Roche Pharma AGCriteria
Inclusion Criteria:- Adults male or female of 18 years male or female sex to 70 years
- Patients having profited from one 1st or one the 2nd transplantation
- Patients transplanted since more than 1 year and less than 20 years.
- Patients having a CDG defined by a clearance of creatinin, lower than 50 ml/mn/1,73 m2
(according to Gault and Cockcroft) and whose renal function is stable over the last 3
months (variation of Scr of less than 20% over the last 3 months)
- Patients presenting an anaemia: Hb lower than 11.5 g/dl
- No deficiency out of iron: Saturation of the transferrin > 20% and ironnemia > 50 mg/l
at the time of the screening visit
- Patients having given their written consent
Exclusion Criteria:
- Major forms of drepanocytosis or thalassaemia
- Iron Deficit (CST < 20% or ferritin < 50 mg/l)
- Haemolysis (haptoglobin < 0,30 g/l)
- Severe renal insufficiency: Clcr < 20 ml/min/1,73 m2
- Severe Hyperparathyroidy (serum PTH > 800 pg/ml)
- Evolutionary chronic inflammatory Disease (CRP > 15 mg/l)
- Acute or chronic infectious disease
- Evolutionary neoplasic Disease
- Infection by the HIV and viral cirrhosis
- Recent Antecedents of MI or AIT (< 3 months)
- Severe Arteritis of the lower limbs (Stage III or IV)
- Acute Rejection requiring a treatment in the 3 previous months
- Blood Transfusion on the last 3 months
- Evolutionary GI Ulcer on the last 3 months
- Severe Arterial HyperTension not controlled by medicamentous treatment (NOT > 170 mm
Hg or PAD > 100 mm Hg under treatment)
- Epilepsy of recent diagnosis
- Relevant biological value(at screening visit) : - Proteinuria > 3 g/24h
- Serum Albumin < 30 g/l
- Platelets > 600.000/µl
- Programmed heavy surgery
- Pregnancy or breast feeding
- Administration of an experimental drug in the 30 days preceding the screening visit
- Known Over-sensitiveness to Epoetin beta
- Patients under Sirolimus
- Patients under EPO at screening visit