DAA-based Therapy for Recently Acquired Hepatitis C II (DAA = Directly Acting Antiviral)
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
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The purpose of the study is to examine whether patients who have acute or early chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection can be treated effectively and safely with an interferon-sparing regimen that combines a new direct acting antiviral drug (sofosbuvir) with one of the standard treatments for chronic hepatitis C (ribavirin). In particular, this study will investigate whether treatment of acute or early chronic HCV can be shortened. The study will assess efficacy by looking at the proportion of people who clear the virus (have no virus detectable in their blood) at the end of treatment, and 1, 3 and 6 months after treatment. The hypothesis is that short course (6 weeks) dual therapy using sofosbuvir and RBV will result in successful virological eradication in the majority (≥80%) of subjects treated for recently acquired HCV.Phase:
Phase 4Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Kirby InstituteTreatments:
Inclusion Criteria:- Provision of written informed consent
- Male and female patients aged 18 years and above
- Willing to use two effective methods of contraception during the treatment period and
24 weeks post.
- HBsAg negative
- Detectable HCV RNA at screening (>10,000 IU/ml), and in the opinion of the
investigator is unlikely to demonstrate spontaneous viral clearance
- Compensated liver disease (Child-Pugh A)
- Negative pregnancy test at screening and 24 hours prior to first dose of study drugs
- Medically stable on the basis of physical examination, medical history and vital signs
- Adequate English to provide reliable responses to the study questionnaires
- Recent hepatitis C infection, as defined by: A) i) First anti-HCV Ab or HCV RNA
positive within the previous 6 months and ii) Documented anti-HCV Ab negative within
the 24 months prior to anti-HCV antibody positive result, OR B) i) First anti-HCV Ab
or HCV RNA positive within the previous 6 months and ii) acute clinical hepatitis
(jaundice or ALT> 10 X ULN) within the previous 12 months prior to first positive HCV
antibody or HCV RNA, with no other cause of acute hepatitis identifiable
If co-infection with HIV is documented, the subject must meet the following criteria:
- Antiretroviral (ARV) untreated for >8 weeks preceding screening visit with CD4 T cell
count >500 cells/mm3 OR
- On a stable ARV regimen for >8 weeks prior to screening visit, with CD4 T cell count
>200 cells/mm3 and an undetectable plasma HIV RNA level.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Standard exclusions to RBV therapy
- Pregnancy/lactation or male subjects whose female partners are pregnant
- Subject has a history of decompensated liver disease: history of ascites, hepatic
encephalopathy, or bleeding oesophageal varices, and/or any of the following screening
laboratory results: a.INR of ≥1.5; Serum albumin <3.3 g/dL; Serum total bilirubin >1.8
times upper limit of normal, unless isolated in subjects with Gilbert's syndrome.