Diabetic Neuropathic Pain Relief, 6 Weeks Dosage Sublingual Water-soluble CBD/PEA
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Trial end date:
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The purpose of the study is to evaluate whether the DIA/NPR-6 is a better pain reliever in patients with diabetic neuropathic pain of the feet compared to placebo.Phase:
Phase 1/Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Pure Green Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Inclusion Criteria:1. Subject is at least 21 years of age.
2. Subject is or under the age of 65 years of age.
3. Subject has a primary health care provider and gives permission for PG Pharma to
contact the primary health care provider.
4. Subject has a diagnosis of diabetic neuropathic pain of the feet .
5. Subject has a mean pain scale score of ≥ 4 and ≤ 8 recorded localized to the foot in
the 7 days prior to randomization.
6. If female, the subject is postmenopausal (> 1 year), surgically sterile (> 3 months),
had a hysterectomy, or is currently using 2 effective forms of birth control.
7. Subject has not taken marijuana (cannabis) in any form, chemicals or extracts or foods
or beverages or topical creams, lotions, gels, patches containing marijuana
(cannabinoids, or and cannabis derivatives) including synthetic marijuana and/or CBD
for at least 14 days prior to this study, and agrees to not take marijuana (cannabis)
in any form, chemicals or extracts or foods or beverages or topical creams, lotions,
gels, patches containing marijuana (cannabinoids, or and cannabis derivatives)
including synthetic marijuana and/or CBD while participating in this study.
8. Subject is willing to provide his/her written informed consent to participate in the
study as stated in the informed consent document.
9. Subject has a smart phone, knows how to use it, and is willing to use it for accessing
and interacting with an electronic diary to enter trial information for the duration
of the study - 57 days. (up to 14-day screening period and 42 days active dosing and 1
day post dosing.
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Subject is pregnant or lactating.
2. Subject is unwilling to utilize two forms of birth control with partner.
3. Male subject is unwilling to agree to not donate sperm from the time of dosing until
90 days after dosing of study drug.
4. Subject has an allergy to cannabis, the Cannabaceae plant family (e.g., hemp, hops),
palmitoylethanolamide, or terpenes.
5. Subject has a known allergy to active or inert ingredients of the investigational
6. Subject is taking a concomitant medication or treatment that would complicate use or
interpretation of the study drug's effects (examples include: Cannabis or any
cannabinoid products; Any drug or herbal product that influences the endocannabinoid
system (ECS)). However, subjects are allowed to continue gabapentin and pregabalin
medications, if the subject still meets the pain scale inclusion criteria, evidencing
lack of effectiveness of their concomitant pain medication.
7. Subjects on SNRIs or SSRIs.
8. Subject is taking marijuana (cannabis) in any form, chemicals or extracts or foods or
beverages or topical creams, lotions, gels, patches containing marijuana
(cannabinoids, or and cannabis derivatives) including synthetic marijuana and/or CBD
for at least 14 days prior to this study, and does not promise that they will not take
marijuana (cannabis) in any form, chemicals or extracts or foods or beverages or
topical creams, lotions, gels, patches containing marijuana (cannabinoids, or and
cannabis derivatives) including synthetic marijuana and/or CBD while participating in
this study;
9. Subject has shortness of breath.
10. Subject has uncontrolled asthma.
11. Subject has a fever and/or productive cough.
12. Subject has unstable angina, uncontrolled hypertension.
13. Subject currently or has a history of congestive heart failure.
14. Subject meets any DSM-V criteria for current, major psychiatric illness, including but
not limited to: bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, psychosis, or substance
abuse disorder.
15. Subject has a personal or family history of schizophrenia.
16. Subject has a personal history or currently has suicidal ideation or attempted
17. Subject has a major neurological disorder, such as dementia, Parkinson's disease,
cognitive impairment, epilepsy, history of traumatic brain injury/head injury, and
18. Subject has a history of multiple sclerosis.
19. Subject is currently taking any form of opioids.
20. Subject has a history of substance or alcohol abuse.
21. Subject has clinically significant illness, including cardiovascular disorders.
22. Subject has any condition in which the investigator believes will confound the data of
the study or could put the subject at risk of harm.
23. Subject does not have access to a smart phone or does not know how to use a smart
phone application.
24. Subject is not within 30 miles of a Quest Diagnostics laboratory.
25. The skin under the tongue or anywhere in the oral cavity is not intact.
26. Subject has abnormal liver function test results.
27. Subject has a history of abnormal liver dysfunction or liver pathology.