
Drug-Drug Interaction Study Between EDP-235, Itraconazole, Carbamazepine and Quinidine in Healthy Subjects.

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
A Drug-Drug Interaction study to assess the effects of itraconazole, carbamazepine and quinidine on the Pharmacokinetics and Safety of EDP-235.
Phase 1
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Lead Sponsor:
Enanta Pharmaceuticals, Inc
Inclusion Criteria:

- An informed consent document signed and dated by the subject

- Healthy male and female subjects of any ethnic origin between the ages of 18 and 55
years, inclusive

- Screening body mass index (BMI) of 18 to 30 kg/m2 with a minimum body weight of 50 kg

- Female subjects of childbearing potential must agree to use two effective methods of
contraception from the date of Screening until 90 days after the last dose of EDP-235.
A male participant who has not had a vasectomy and is sexually active with a woman of
childbearing potential must agree to use effective contraception from the date of
Screening to 90 days after his last dose of study drug.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Clinically relevant evidence or history of illness or disease

- Pregnant or nursing females

- History of febrile illness within 7 days prior to the first dose of study drug or
subjects with evidence of active infection

- A positive urine drug screen at Screening or Day -1

- Current tobacco smokers or use of tobacco within 3 months prior to Screening.

- Any condition possibly affecting drug absorption (e.g., gastrectomy, cholecystectomy)

- History of regular alcohol consumption

- Participation in a clinical trial within 30 days prior to the first dose of study drug

- For Part 2 participants:

- Participants of Asian ancestry, given association of carbamazepine and severe
rash (Stevens-Johnson Syndrome [SJS and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis [TEN]) with
HLA-B 1502 in this population

- Platelets, white blood cell count or hemoglobin below the lower limit of normal,
due to reported incidence of agranulocytosis and aplastic anemia with

- For Part 2 and Part 3 participants, the following cardiovascular abnormalities:

- QRS duration >110 ms

- Incomplete right bundle branch block or any complete bundle branch block

- Heart rate <40 or >90 beats per minute (per vital sign capture while rested)

- History of unexplained syncope, structural heart disease, or clinically
significant arrhythmias

- Personal or family history of long QT syndrome (genetically proven or suggested
by sudden death of a close relative due to cardiac causes at a young age) or
Brugada syndrome

- PR interval >220 ms or any 2nd or 3rd degree AV block

- Ventricular pre-excitation

- History of drug allergy to itraconazole or other azole antifungals; history of drug
allergy to carbamazepine or carboxamide derivatives [e.g. oxcarbazepine]; known
hypersensitivity to drugs structurally related to carbamazepine [e.g.: tricyclic
antidepressants] or any of its excipients);history or known hypersensitivity to
mefloquine, quinine, or quinidine