EXTEND (International): Extending the Time for Thrombolysis in Emergency Neurological Deficits (International)
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The primary hypothesis being tested in this trial is that ischaemic stroke patients selected with significant penumbral mismatch (according to imaging criteria) at 4.5 (or 3 hours depending on local guidelines) - 9 hours post onset of stroke or after 'wake up stroke' (WUS) will have improved clinical outcomes when given intravenous tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) compared to placebo.Phase:
Phase 3Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Neuroscience Trials AustraliaCollaborator:
China Medical University HospitalTreatments:
Tissue Plasminogen Activator
Inclusion Criteria:- Patients presenting with hemispheric acute ischaemic stroke
- Patient, family member or legally responsible person depending on local ethics
requirements has given informed consent
- Patient's age is ≥18 years (or as per local requirements)
- Treatment onset can commence within 4.5 - 9 hours after stroke onset according to
registered product information, or within 3 - 9 hours according to locally accepted
- Patients who wake with stroke may be included if neurological and other exclusion
criteria are satisfied. These 'wake up' strokes are defined as having no symptoms at
sleep onset, but stroke symptoms on waking. The time of stroke onset is to be taken as
the mid-point between sleep onset (or last known to be normal) and time of waking. The
maximum time window for randomisation is then 9 hours from the mid-point as described.
- Significant neurological deficit (eg. NIHSS score of ≥ 4 - 26) with clinical signs of
hemispheric infarction.
- Penumbral mismatch - A "hypo-perfusion to core" volume ratio of greater than 1.2, and
an absolute difference greater than 10ml (using a Magnetic Resonance (MR) or Computed
Tomography (CT) Tmax > 6 second delay), between perfusion lesion and MR-DWI or
Computed Tomography-Cerebral Blood Flow (CT-CBF) core lesion.
- An infarct core lesion of less than or equal to 70ml using MR-DWI or CT-CBF
Exclusion Criteria:
- Intracranial haemorrhage (ICH) identified by CT or MRI
- Rapidly improving symptoms, particularly if in the judgment of the managing clinician
that the improvement is likely to result in the patient having an NIHSS score of < 4
at randomization
- Pre-stroke MRS score of ≥ 2 (indicating previous disability)
- Contra indication to imaging with contrast agents
- Infarct core >1/3 Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA) territory qualitatively
- Participation in any investigational study in the previous 30 days
- Any terminal illness such that patient would not be expected to survive more than 1
- Any condition that could impose hazards to the patient if study therapy is initiated
or affect the participation of the patient in the study (this applies to patients with
severe microangiopathy such as haemolytic uremic syndrome or thrombotic
thrombocytopenic purpura). The judgment is left to the discretion of the Investigator.
- Pregnant women (clinically evident)
- Previous stroke within last three months
- Recent past history or clinical presentation of ICH, subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH),
arterio-venous (AV) malformation, aneurysm, or cerebral neoplasm. At the discretion of
each Investigator.
- Current use of oral anticoagulants or a prolonged prothrombin time (INR > 1.7) if the
patient is on warfarin
- Use of heparin, except for low dose subcutaneous heparin, in the previous 48 hours and
a prolonged activated thromboplastin time exceeding the upper limit of the local
laboratory normal range.
- Use of glycoprotein IIb - IIIa inhibitors within the past 72 hours. Use of single or
dual agent oral platelet inhibitors (clopidogrel and/or low-dose aspirin) prior to
study entry is permitted.
- Clinically significant hypoglycaemia.
- Uncontrolled hypertension defined by a blood pressure > 185 mmHg systolic or >110 mmHg
diastolic on at least 2 separate occasions at least 10 minutes apart, or requiring
aggressive treatment to reduce the blood pressure to within these limits. The
definition of "aggressive treatment" is left to the discretion of the responsible
- Hereditary or acquired haemorrhagic diathesis
- Gastrointestinal or urinary bleeding within the preceding 21 days
- Major surgery within the preceding 14 days which poses risk in the opinion of the
- Exposure to a thrombolytic agent within the previous 72 hours
- Clinically deemed eligible for Endovascular Clot Retrieval (ECR) treatment by the
treating team