Effects of Structured Simplified Short-term Intensive Insulin Therapy on Long-term Glycemic Remission
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Short-term intensive insulin therapy is shown to induced glycemic remission, but traditionally patients were hospitalized for 2-4 weeks in order to receive the therapy, the long inpatient period precluded the wide application of the thrapy. This study aims to invesitgate whether simplified regimen is non-inferior to traditional regimen in achieving long-term glycemic remisson.Phase:
Phase 4Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Sun Yat-sen UniversityTreatments:
InsulinInsulin, Globin Zinc
Inclusion Criteria:- newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes with no prior hypoglycemic agents application, or on
hyperglycemic monotherapy for less than 1 week;
- GHbA1c ≥ 9%
- Body mass index between 20-35kg/m2
- Capable to use wearable devices and mobile Apps;
- willling to follow the study protocol and data collection.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Type 1 diabetes or specific types of diabetes;
- Allergic or intolercance to medicine used in the study;
- Acute diabetic complications (diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperosmotic hyperglycemia coma
or lactic acidosis);
- Severe diabetic microvascular complications (proliferative retinopathy, clinical
proteinuria,uncontrolled diabetic neuropathy and obvious diabetic autonomic
- Glomerular filtration rate less than 50 ml/min
- ALT >2.5 times of the upper limit of normal (ULN), or bilirubin > 1.5 times of ULN;
- Significant Macrovascular disease:acute cerebrovascular accident, acute coronary
syndrome or peripheral artery disease that required vascular intervention or
amputation 12 months before enrollment;
- Poor blood pressure control (systolic blood pressure≥180mmHg and/or sitting diastolic
blood pressure ≥110mmHg) and unable to control under 160/110mmhg within 1 week;
- Hemoglubin level < 100g/L or required regular blood transfusion;
- Chronic cardiac dysfunction with NYHA grade III or above;
- Use of medicines that affect blood glucose for a cumulative time of more than 1 week
within the prior 12 weeks, such as oral/venous glucocorticoid, growth hormone,
estrogen/ progesterone, high-dose diuretics, antipsychotic drugs. However, low-dose
diuretics for antihypertensive purposes (HCTZ < 25mg/d, indapamide < 1.5mg/d) and
physiologic replacement of thyroid hormone are allowed;
- Serious systemic disease or malignant tumor, chronic diarrhea, etc;
- Uncontrolled abnormalty in endocrine glands (Cushing's syndrome, hyperthyroidism,
- Any factors that may affect the participation of the subject in the study or the
evaluation of the results;
- Pregnancy or planned pregnancy, lactation subjects.