Efficacy, Safety, Pharmacodynamic, and Pharmacokinetics Study of Olipudase Alfa in Patients With Acid Sphingomyelinase Deficiency
Active, not recruiting
Active, not recruiting
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
Primary Objective: The primary objective of this phase 2/3 study is to evaluate the efficacy of olipudase alfa (recombinant human acid sphingomyelinase) administered intravenously once every 2 weeks for 52 weeks in adult patients with acid sphingomyelinase deficiency (ASMD) by assessing changes in: 1) spleen volume as measured by abdominal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (and, for the United States [US] only, in association with patient perception related to spleen volume as measured by splenomegaly related score [SRS]); and 2) infiltrative lung disease as measured by the pulmonary function test, diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO). Secondary Objectives: - To confirm the safety of olipudase alfa administered intravenously once every 2 weeks for 52 weeks. - To characterize the effect of olipudase alfa on the patient perception related to spleen volume as measured by the SRS after 52 weeks of study drug administration. (For the US, the effect of olipudase alfa on the splenomegaly related score is part of the primary objective). - To characterize the effect of olipudase alfa after 52 weeks of study drug administration on the following endpoints assessed sequentially: - The effect of olipudase alfa on liver volume; - The effect of olipudase alfa on platelet count; - The effect of olipudase alfa on fatigue; - The effect of olipudase alfa on pain; - The effect of olipudase alfa on dyspnea.Phase:
Phase 2/Phase 3Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Genzyme, a Sanofi CompanyCriteria
Inclusion criteria :- The patient is willing and able to provide signed written informed consent.
- The patient is male or female aged 18 years or older.
- The patient has documented deficiency of acid sphingomyelinase as measured in
peripheral leukocytes, cultured fibroblasts, or lymphocytes; and a clinical diagnosis
consistent with Niemann-Pick disease type B (NPD B).
- The patient has diffuse capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide ≤70% of the predicted
normal value.
- The patient has a spleen volume ≥6 multiples of normal (MN) measured by MRI; patients
who have had partial splenectomy will be allowed if the procedure was performed ≥1
year before screening/baseline and the residual spleen volume is ≥6 MN.
- The patient has a mean SRS of at least 5.
- Female patients of childbearing potential must have a negative serum pregnancy test
for beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (β-HCG).
- Female patients of childbearing potential and male patients must be willing to
practice true abstinence in line with their preferred and usual lifestyle, or use 2
acceptable effective methods of contraception for up to 15 days following their last
dose of study drug.
Exclusion criteria:
- The patient has received an investigational drug within 30 days before study
- The patient has a medical condition, including significant intercurrent illness;
significant cardiac disease (e.g., clinically significant arrhythmia, moderate or
severe pulmonary hypertension or clinically significant valve dysfunction, or <40%
left ventricular ejection fraction by echocardiogram); active hepatitis B or hepatitis
C, or infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); malignancy diagnosed within
the past 5 years (other than non-melanoma skin cancer), or any other serious medical
condition that may preclude participation in the study.
- The patient has a platelet count <60,000/μL based on the average of 2 samples.
- The patient has an international normalized ratio (INR) >1.5.
- The patient has alanine aminotransferase (ALT) or aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
>250 IU/L or total bilirubin >1.5 mg/dL (except for patients with Gilbert's syndrome).
- The patient has had a major organ transplant (eg, bone marrow or liver).
- The patient is scheduled during the study for in-patient hospitalization including
elective surgery and excluding the liver biopsies required per protocol.
- The patient, in the opinion of the investigator, is unable to adhere to the
requirements of the study.
- The patient is unwilling or unable to abstain from the use of alcohol for 1 day before
and 3 days after each study drug infusion. Testing for blood alcohol levels will not
be required.
- The patient is unwilling or unable to avoid 10 days before and 3 days after the
protocol scheduled liver biopsies the use of medications or herbal supplements that
are potentially hepatotoxic (eg, 3-hydroxy-3-methyl glutaryl coenzyme A reductase
inhibitors, erythromycin, valproic acid, anti-depressants, kava, echinacea) and/or may
cause or prolong bleeding (eg, anti-coagulants, ibuprofen, aspirin, garlic
supplements, ginkgo, ginseng).
- The patient requires medications that may decrease olipudase alfa activity (eg,
fluoxetine, chlorpromazine, tricyclic antidepressants [eg, imipramine, or
- The patient requires use of invasive ventilatory support.
- The patient requires use of noninvasive ventilator support while awake for longer than
12 hours daily.
- The patient is breast-feeding.
The above information is not intended to contain all considerations relevant to a patient's
potential participation in a clinical trial.