Efficacy and Safety of FP-1201-lyo (Interferon Beta-1a) in Prevention of Multi-Organ Failure on Patients After Open Surgery for a RAAA
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
A study to assess effectiveness and safety of a drug FP-1201-lyo (Recombinant Human Interferon Beta-1a) in the Prevention of Multi-Organ Failure on patients after Open Surgery for a Ruptured Abdominal Aortic AneurysmPhase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Faron Pharmaceuticals LtdTreatments:
Interferon beta-1a
Inclusion Criteria:To be eligible for inclusion into this study, each patient must fulfil the following
inclusion criteria during screening and prior to the first dose of study medication being
administered on D0 (criteria 1 or 2 and all 3, 4 and 5):
1. Patients (male or female) presenting with a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (RAAA)
diagnosed by ultrasound or CT-scan in the emergency room
- all forms of infrarenal RAAAs with or without coexisting iliac aneurysms are
included or
2. Patients (male or female) presenting with symptoms of RAAA known to have an infrarenal
AAA and proceeding straight to open repair without radiological assessment and
confirmed rupture (=retroperitoneal haematoma) in operation
3. Aneurysma repair must be infra-renal, i.e. the proximal anastomosis must be below the
renal arteries and the renal arteries have to stay intact. Temporary above the renal
clamping can be used for a maximum of 30 minutes (total clamping time)
4. Patients providing informed consent
5. Age of 18 years or higher
Exclusion Criteria:
To be eligible for inclusion into this study, each patient must not meet any of the
following exclusion criteria during screening or prior to the first dose of study
medication being administered:
1. Moribund patient not eligible for treatment in ICU or expected to survive surgery
2. Markedly short life expectancy, e.g. advanced malignant disease
3. Current participation in another experimental treatment protocol
4. Significant congestive heart failure, defined as New York Heart Association (NYHA)
class IV
5. Current treatment with Interferon (IFN) alpha or IFN beta
6. Dialysis therapy for chronic renal failure
7. Irreversible shock from haemorrhage
8. Unconsciousness or inability to give consent
9. Ruptured Endovascular Aortic Repair (rEVAR) first (prior attempt for endovascular
aortic repair for the current rupture)
10. Diagnosed cirrhosis
11. Pregnancy and women with child bearing potential without negative pregnancy test
12. Rupture not confirmed by CT or intra-operatively (impending ruptures are excluded)
13. RAAA requiring repair of the renal arteries or the proximal aorta
- thoracoabdominal aneurysms requiring immediate repair
- damaged renal arteries during emergency clamping requiring repair
- temporary clamping above the renal arteries (max 30 min total clamping time above the
renal arteries) does not lead to exclusion
- ligation of the left renal vein does not lead to exclusion