
Efficacy and Safety of Formulation Switching Between SC Infliximab and IV Infliximab in Patients With CD

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The goal of this prospective, multicenter, open-label, randomized controlled, non-inferiority trial is to test efficacy and safety of formulation switching between subcutaneous (SC) infliximab and intravenous (IV) infliximab in patients with moderately to severely active Crohn's disease (CD). The primary endpoint of this study is deep remission at week 54. The main questions this study aims to answer are: Question-1) Is maintenance therapy with SC infliximab (120mg every 2 weeks) non-inferior to IV infliximab (5mg/kg every 8 weeks) in terms of deep remission at week 54? Question-2) Is maintenance therapy with SC infliximab (120mg every 2 weeks) non-inferior to IV infliximab (10mg/kg every 8 weeks) in terms of deep remission at week 54?
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Asan Medical Center
Kyung Hee University Hospital
Kyungpook National University Hospital
Samsung Medical Center
Seoul National University Hospital
Severance Hospital
Inclusion Criteria:

1. 18 years or older

2. Moderate to severe Crohn's disease (Crohn's disease activity index 220 to 450)

3. Ileocolonic Crohn's disease (CD) with Simple Endoscopic Score for Crohn Disease ≥6 or
ileal or colonic CD with with Simple Endoscopic Score for Crohn Disease ≥4 and ulcer
score ≥1 in at least one segment

4. Fecal calprotectin ≥250 µg/g or C-reactive protein≥0.5 mg/dL

5. Patients who have never been to exposed to any biologic agent

6. Patients who are non-responsive or intolerance to conventional therapy
(corticosteroids, immunomodulators, or antibiotics, etc.) or contraindicated to
conventional therapy

7. Patients who gave a voluntary informed consent

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Patients who have a history of hypersensitivity to humanized proteins

2. Patients ever treated with corticosteroids within 8 weeks of screening date

3. a) Symptomatic intestinal stricture, b) Symptomatic anal stricture, c) Untreated
intra-abdominal abscess, d) Untreated perianal abscess, e) Abdominal surgery within 6
months, f) Patients who are expected to require intestinal surgeries during study

- However, the following patients can be included: from baseline, 4 weeks or more
after proper drainage of perianal abscess and from baseline, 8 weeks or more after
proper drainage of intra-abdominal abscess

4. Active tuberculosis. However, the following patients can be included: Patients who
were diagnosed with tuberculosis, but were properly treated with anti-tuberculosis
therapy according to the standard guidelines and who were confirmed to be cured.

5. Latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI): Patients confirmed as having latent tuberculosis
through medical history, physical examination, chest X-ray, PPD (Purified Protein
Derivative) skin test or interferon gamma release assay (IGRA) by a pulmonology
specialist. However, patients with LTBI who finished proper treatment for LTBI for 4
weks and who are going to complete LTBI treatment.

6. HBsAg (Hepatitis B virus surface antigen)-positivity. Patients with negative HBsAg,
but positive IgG anti-HBc (Immunoglobulin G anti-Hepatitis B core antibody) should be
tested for HBV (hepatitis B virus) DNA real time quantitative PCR (polymerase chain
reaction). If HBV DNA real time quantitative PCR ≥10 IU/mL should be excluded.

7. Anti-HCV (hepatitis C virus) antibody-positivity

8. History of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection of positivity for anti-HIV

9. Heart disease of NYHA (New York Heart Association) Class III/IV

10. Active infection

11. Malignancy (excluding skin basal cell carcinoma, skin squamous cell carcinoma, and
uterine cervix cancer) or history of colonic or small bowel dysplasia within 5 years

12. Pregnancy or lactating woman

13. Patients who are not applying proper contraceptive measures and patients who do not
have a plan for proper contraceptive measures for at least 6 months after the last
dose of infliximab (oral, parenteral, or implantable hormonal contraceptives,
diaphragm, condom, intra-uterine device, or abstinence are accepted as proper
contraceptive methods.

14. Patients who are decided to be not proper to be enrolled into the study by