Efficacy and Safety of Grass Sublingual Tablet in Adults (P05238 AM3)(COMPLETED)
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This purpose of this study is to determine the efficacy and safety of a grass sublingual (under-the-tongue) tablet.Phase:
Phase 3Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
ALK-Abelló A/SMerck Sharp & Dohme Corp.
Mometasone Furoate
Olopatadine Hydrochloride
Inclusion Criteria:- Participants must be 18 to 65 years of age, of either sex, and of any race.
- Participants must have a clinical history of significant allergic rhinoconjunctivitis
to grass (with or without asthma) diagnosed by a physician and have received treatment
for their disease during the previous GPS.
- Participants must have a positive skin prick test response (average wheal diameter >=5
mm larger than the saline control after 15 to 20 minutes) to Phleum pratense at the
Screening Visit.
- Participants must be positive for specific IgE against Phleum pratense (>=IgE Class 2)
at the Screening Visit.
- Participants must have an FEV1 >=70% of predicted value at the Screening Visit.
- Participants' safety laboratory tests, vital signs and ECG conducted at the Screening
Visit must be within normal limits or clinically acceptable to the
- Participant must be willing to give written informed consent and be able to adhere to
dose and visit schedules.
- Female participants of childbearing potential must be using a medically acceptable and
adequate form of birth control. These include:
- hormonal contraceptives as prescribed by a physician (oral, hormonal vaginal
ring, hormonal implant or depot injectable);
- medically prescribed intra-uterine device;
- medically prescribed topically-applied transdermal contraceptive patch;
- double-barrier method (eg, condom in combination with a spermicide); vasectomy
and tubal ligation should each be considered as single barrier.
- Female participants of childbearing potential should be counseled in the appropriate
use of birth control while in the study. Female participants who are not currently
sexually active must agree and consent to use one of the above-mentioned methods if
they become sexually active while participating in the study.
- Female participants of childbearing potential must have a negative urine pregnancy
test at the Screening Visit in order to be considered eligible for enrollment.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Participants with a clinical history of symptomatic seasonal allergic rhinitis and/or
asthma, having received regular medications due to another allergen during or
potentially overlapping the GPS.
- Participants with a clinical history of significant symptomatic perennial allergic
rhinitis and/or asthma having received regular medication due to an allergen to which
the subject is regularly exposed.
- Participants with sufficient pre-seasonal data in the observational phase will not be
eligible to continue in the treatment phase if the subject: 1) does not experience an
increase in rhinoconjunctivitis symptom score of equal to or greater than 4 above the
pre-seasonal average symptom score for at least 2 days, 2) does not use allergy rescue
medication for at least 2 days, during the observational phase Year 1 2008 GPS.
- Participants that received an immunosuppressive treatment within 3 months prior to the
Screening Visit (except steroids for allergic and asthma symptoms).
- Participants with a clinical history of severe asthma.
- Participants with history of anaphylaxis with cardiorespiratory symptoms.
- Participants with a history of self-injectable epinephrine use.
- Participants with a history of chronic urticaria and angioedema.
- Participants with clinical history of chronic sinusitis during the 2 years prior to
the Screening Visit.
- Participants with current severe atopic dermatitis.
- Female participants who are breast-feeding, pregnant, or intending to become pregnant.
- Participatns who have had previous treatment by immunotherapy with grass pollen
allergen or any other allergen within the 5 years prior to the Screening Visit.
- Participants with a known history of allergy, hypersensitivity or intolerance to the
ingredients of the investigational medicinal products (except for Phleum pratense),
rescue medications, or self-injectable epinephrine.
- Participants with any clinically significant condition or situation, other than the
condition being studied that, in the opinion of the investigator, would interfere with
the study evaluations or optimal participation in the study. Specific examples include
but are not limited to hypertension being treated with beta blockers, coronary artery
disease, arrhythmia, stroke, ocular conditions requiring topical beta blockers, any
condition requiring the use of beta blockers.
- Participants that have used any investigational drugs within 30 days of the Screening
- Participants that are participating in any other clinical study.
- Participants that are a family member of the investigational study staff conducting
this study.
- Participants that are unable to meet medication washout requirements as listed in the
- Participants that are unlikely to be able to complete the trial, for any reason, or
likely to travel for extended periods of time during the GPS, which in the opinion of
the investigator will compromise the data.
- Participants with a clinically significant abnormal vital sign or laboratory value
that would preclude participation in the study.
- Participants participating in this study may not participate in this same study at
another investigational site.
- Participants must not be randomized into this study more than once.
- Participants who are unable to or will not comply with the use of self-injectable
- Participants that may be at greater risk of developing adverse reactions after
epinephrine administration.