Efficacy and Safety of Insulin Glargine in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes With Inadequate Control on DPP-4 Inhibitor Therapy
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
Primary Objective: To investigate the efficacy(HbA1c) at 6 months after adding basal insulin therapy (insulin glargine) to dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPP-IV) and metformin plus or minus sulphonylurea Secondary Objectives: 1. To assess the efficacy by adding insulin glargine 2. To assess insulin dose 3. SafetyPhase:
Phase 4Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Dipeptidyl-Peptidase IV InhibitorsInsulin
Insulin Glargine
Insulin, Globin Zinc
Inclusion criteria :- Patients with type 2 Diabetes mellitus ≥ 20 aged
- Patients who are treated with DPP- 4 for at least 3 months before informed consent
with metformin plus or minus sulphonylurea inadequately controlled with HbA1c ≥ 7.5%
- Be able and voluntarily agree to participate in this study by signing a written
informed consent
Exclusion criteria:
- Diabetes patients other than Type 2 (eg. Type 1 Diabetes mellitus, pancreatic disease,
secondary diabetes)
- HbA1c > 11% at screening
- History of continuous basal insulin treatment within 1 year before screening
- History of diabetic acidosis (including keto-acidosis) within 1 year before screening
- History of myocardial infarct, stroke or heart failure related admission within 3
months before screening
- History of drug or alcoholic abuse within 6 months before screening
- Weight change ≥ 5 kg within 3 months before screening
- History of hypoglycemic unawareness
- Systolic blood pressure >180 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure > 110 mmHg regardless of
taking anti-hypertensive, or uncontrolled hypertension
- Active malignant cancer, major systemic disease, clinically significant diabetic
retinopathy, macular edema necessitating laser treatment, abnormal clinical finding
from physical examination, lab analysis, electrocardiogram or vital sign, which can be
regarded as to prevent safe completion of clinical study or to make efficacy
assessment difficult by investigator or co-investigator at screening
- Pregnant or lactating women
- Women of child bearing potential (Pre-menopause or not surgically infertile within 3
months before screening) who match two conditions below:
- Negative serum pregnancy test at screening
- Using medically proven effective contraceptive method
- Hypersensitivity to investigational drugs
- Lab finding at screening:
- Abnormal liver function: Alanine transaminase or Alkaline phosphatase > 3 times of
upper limit of normal range
- Renal insufficiency: Men with serum Cr ≥ 1.5 mg/dL (≥ 133µmol/L), women with serum Cr
≥ 1.4 mg/dL (≥ 124 µmol/L)
- Use of anti-obese drug within 3 months before screening
- Has been using drugs that can influence glucose metabolism (systemic corticosteroid,
thyroid hormone) within 3 months before screening or has possibility of using these
drug during the investigational period
- Has participated in clinical studies of any investigational drugs within 3 months
before screening
- Considered not physically or psychologically appropriate to participate in clinical
study by investigator
- Not willing to comply with scheduled visit, self-inject insulin, or self-monitor blood
glucose level
The above information is not intended to contain all considerations relevant to a patient's
potential participation in a clinical trial.