Efficacy and Safety of RPH-104 Treatment in Patients With Recurrent Pericarditis
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The primary purpose of this study is the evaluation of the efficacy and safety of RPH-104 treatment in patients with recurrent pericarditis. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters of RPH-104 multiple doses in this patient population will be assessed as well.Phase:
Phase 2/Phase 3Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
R-Pharm Overseas, Inc.Collaborators:
DM 365, LLC
Keystat, LLC
Inclusion Criteria:- Voluntarily signed and dated Informed Consent Form for participation in the study.
- Recurrent pericarditis diagnosis.
- ≥ 1 pericarditis episodes experienced prior to screening has met ≥ 2 of the following
4 criteria, in the Investigator's opinion and based on the documented available data,
according to 2015 European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Guidelines for the Diagnosis
and Management of Pericardial Diseases:
- Pericarditic chest pain
- Pericardial rub
- New widespread ST-segment elevation/PR-segment depression according to ECG
- Pericardial effusion (new or worsening)
- Presents with at least the third episode of pericarditis during screening (i.e., at
least the second pericarditis recurrence following the first pericarditis episode),
and within ≤ 7 days prior to and including RI baseline (first administration of study
drug) has at least two of the following signs: 1) ≥ 1 day with NRS pain score ≥ 4
(without any other potential causes for the increase in the pain intensity); 2) CRP ≥
1 mg/dL, (without any other potential causes for the CRP elevation); 3) new or
progression of existing pericardial effusion during the diastole as demonstrated by
echocardiography; 4) evidence of new widespread ST-elevation (ST segment or T wave
ratio in lead v6 > 0.25) or PR depression on ECG. Each sign must be presented either
on the same day or separated by no more than 7 days from the other sign.
- NSAIDs and/or colchicine and/or CS (in any combination), if used, at stable dose
levels for at least 3 days prior to and including RI baseline before RPH-104
- If using NSAIDs and/ or colchicine and/or CS at RI baseline, is willing and able, in
the opinion of the investigator, to taper and discontinue these drugs no later than
Week 12 of the RI period.
- The patient's ability and willingness (in the reasonable opinion of the Investigator)
to come to the study site for all scheduled visits, to undergo all study procedures
and comply with the protocol requirements, including consent to subcutaneous
injections by qualified personnel of the study site.
- Consent of women of childbearing potential (defined as all women physiologically able
to become pregnant) to use highly effective contraceptive methods throughout the
study, starting from the beginning of the screening (signing of the Informed Consent
Form) and for at least 8 weeks after discontinuation of the study drug; and a negative
pregnancy test result (serum test for chorionic gonadotropin).
Consent of sexually active male subjects to use highly effective contraceptive methods
throughout the study, starting from the beginning of the screening and for at least 8 weeks
after discontinuation of the study drug.
Highly effective methods of contraception include the following:
1. complete abstinence (if it agrees with the preferable and usual lifestyle of the
patient). [Periodic abstinence (e.g., calendar, ovulation, symptothermal,
post-ovulation methods) and withdrawal are not acceptable methods of contraception];
2. sterilization: bilateral removal of the ovaries (with or without removal of the
uterus) or tubal ligation at least 6 weeks before the start of the study therapy. If
only the ovaries have been removed, the reproductive status of the woman should be
confirmed by subsequent hormone tests;
3. sterilization of the male partner at least 6 weeks before the start of the study
therapy (with proper documentation of the absence of sperm cells in the ejaculate
after vasectomy) [in female subjects, the sexual partner after vasectomy should be the
only partner];
4. use of a combination of any two of the following (a+b or a+c, or b+c):
1. the use of oral, injectable or implanted hormonal contraceptives; in the case of
oral contraceptives, women should consistently use the same drug for a minimum of
3 months prior to the initiation of the study treatment;
2. placement of an intrauterine device (IUD) or intrauterine system (IUS);
3. barrier methods of contraception: a condom or occlusive cap (diaphragm or
cervical/vault caps) and spermicidal foam/gel/film/cream/vaginal suppository.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Hypersensitivity to the study drug (RPH-104), and/or its
- History of severe allergic or anaphylactic reactions to human, humanized or
murine monoclonal antibodies or fusion proteins.
- Pericarditis secondary to: a) tuberculosis (TB); b) postthoracic blunt
trauma; c) myocarditis; d) systemic autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus
erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic sclerosis, etc.; Still's
disease and familial Mediterranean fever are not considered as autoimmune
diseases); e) neoplastic, purulent, or radiation etiologies.
- Is currently receiving CS at a dose of > 60 mg/day prednisone (or
- Prior therapy with:
- rilonacept - less than 6 weeks prior to the baseline assessment (Day 0
of run-in treatment period);
- canakinumab - less than 12 weeks prior to the baseline assessment (Day
0 of run-in treatment period);
- anakinra - less than 5 days prior to the baseline assessment (Day 0 of
run-in treatment period);
- Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors, Interleukin 6 (IL-6)
inhibitors, Janus kinase inhibitors - less than 12 weeks prior to the
baseline assessment (Day 0 of run-in treatment period);
- immunosuppressive agents (azathioprine, cyclosporine, mycophenolate,
mofetil, tacrolimus, sirolimus, mercaptopurine) - within 24 weeks prior
to the baseline assessment (Day 0 of run-in treatment period),
methotrexate - less than two weeks prior to the baseline assessment
(Day 0 of run-in treatment period),
- any other biological preparations less than 5 half-lives prior to the
treatment initiation (Day 0 of run-in treatment period).
- The use of a live (attenuated) vaccine within 3 months prior to Day 0 of the
RI treatment period and/or the need to use this type of a vaccine within 3
months after the discontinuation of the study drug. Live attenuated vaccines
include vaccines against viral infections such as measles, rubella, mumps,
chickenpox, rotavirus, influenza (in the form of a nasal spray), yellow
fever, polio (oral polio vaccine); vaccines against tuberculosis (BCG),
typhoid (oral typhoid vaccine) and typhus (epidemic typhoid vaccine)
vaccines. Patient's immunocompetent family members should refrain from
administration of a polio vaccine during the patient's participation in the
- Conditions or signs that, according to the Investigator, indicate impairment
(weakening) of the immune response in the patient and/or significantly
increase the risk of the use of immunosuppressive therapy, including, but
not limited to, the following conditions at the screening:
- active bacterial, fungal, viral (including COVID-19) or protozoal
- opportunistic infections and/or Kaposi's sarcoma;
- chronic bacterial, fungal or viral infection requiring systemic
antimicrobial therapy;
- HIV-infection, hepatitis B or C (patients with treated hepatitis C and
negative Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests after 3 and 6 months are
regarded as cured from hepatitis C and can be included in this study);
within 6 months prior to the beginning of the screening period:
- disseminated herpes zoster infection, herpetic encephalitis, meningitis
and other non-self-limiting infections caused by herpes viruses;
- A history of active tuberculosis or the presence of risk factors or signs
indicating the presence of active or latent infection caused by M.
tuberculosis, including but not limited to, the following:
- living in specific conditions that increase the risk of contacts with
tuberculosis-infected patients, such as prisoners, gathering of
homeless people etc. within a year before the beginning of the
screening period;
- work experience in a healthcare setting with unprotected contacts with
patients having high risk of tuberculosis or patients with tuberculosis
within a year prior to the beginning of the screening period;
- close contact, i.e. being in the same room (at home or in another
confined environment) for an extended period of time (days or weeks
rather than minutes or hours) with a person with active pulmonary
tuberculosis within a year prior to the beginning of the screening
- test results indicating active tuberculosis or latent infection caused
by M. tuberculosis: positive result of QuantiFERON-TB/T-SPOT test.TB
during the screening period; findings of chest X-ray exam in two views
confirming pulmonary tuberculosis during the screening period.
- The presence of any other significant comorbidities (cardiovascular,
nervous, endocrine, urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract, liver, blood
clotting disorders, autoimmune diseases, etc.) or conditions that may, in
the reasonable opinion of the Investigator, adversely affect the
participation and well-being of the study subject and/or distort the
evaluation of the study results.
- Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus.
- History of organ transplant, or the need for transplant surgery at the
beginning of the screening period, or elective transplant surgery during the
- The presence of any malignancies during the screening period or within 5
years prior to its initiation, except for non-metastatic basal cell and
squamous cell skin cancer after complete resection or carcinoma in situ of
any type following complete resection.
- Mental disorders that, in the reasonable opinion of the Investigator, may
affect the patient's participation in the study or his/her ability to comply
with the Protocol procedures.
- Pregnancy or breast-feeding.
- History of abuse of alcohol or psychoactive substances as assessed by the
- Severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance by Cockcroft-Gault formula <30
mL/min at screening.
- Presence of any of the following laboratory abnormalities at screening:
- Absolute neutrophil count <1.5 х 10^9/L,
- White blood cells (WBC) count <3 х 10^9/L,
- Platelet count <100 х 10^9/L,
- Hemoglobin ≤ 80 g/L,
- Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) ≥ 8%,
- Alanine transaminase (ALT) and/or Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) ≥
3.0 х Upper limit of normal (ULN),
- Total bilirubin >1.5 х ULN (except for cases of documented Gilbert's
- Concomitant participation in other clinical studies at the beginning of the
screening or the use of any unapproved (investigational) medicinal products
within 4 weeks or 5 half-life periods (whichever is longer) up to the
baseline assessment (Day 0 of the run-in treatment period).
- Prior participation in this clinical study (if at least one dose of the
study drug was administered). Subjects that are deemed not eligible can be
rescreened at the discretion of the Investigator.