Electroacupuncture for Gastrointestinal Dysmotility After Abdominal Surgery
Trial end date:
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In Taiwan, the number of patients who underwent abdominal surgery that attributed to gastrointestinal diseases, gynecological diseases, and cancer is increasing. Practically, some of the patients have unsatisfactory response to conventional medical treatment, which result in abnormal gastrointestinal function, prolonged bedtime, and increased hospital stay, as well as an increased risk of infection. Therefore, search for an effective and safe treatment that could be integrated to current medical treatment is of importance in the care of such patients. Being with a long period of clinical experience and evidence-based curative effect, acupuncture could be applied as an adjunctive treatment for the complications of abdominal surgery. Currently, this patient-centered, pragmatic clinical trial compares the efficacy of using conventional medication alone and a combination of electroacupuncture and conventional drugs. The aim of this study is trying to explore acceptable and beneficial strategy to reduce the clinical symptoms, to improve quality of life, and decrease medical expenses.Phase:
N/AAccepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
China Medical University Hospital
Inclusion Criteria:1. more than 20 years old.
2. Underwent abdominal surgery within one month
3. Meet one or both of the following indications
1. Participants have abdominal distension after abdominal surgery which affects
gastrointestinal motility. After medical treatment, the visual pain scale score
remained above three points
2. Participants have post-operative ileus after abdominal surgery. After medical
treatment, the gastric residual volume is still greater than 300 ml under the
intestinal nutrition support
4. Had signed the informed consent with fully understand the aim of the clinical trial
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Hemorrhagic disease or coagulation dysfunction
2. Local skin infection
3. Fear of needles or electrical stimulation
4. Any severe chronic or uncontrollable complications