Endostar Treatment of Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Multi-center Clinical Research
Unknown status
Unknown status
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
Research purpose: Degree of continuous intravenous pumping Endostar (human recombinant endostatin) combination chemotherapy regimens including cisplatin two medicine first-line treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer (with the exception of EGFR/ALK mutations) efficacy and safety.Phase:
Phase 4Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Nanjing NingQi Medicine Science and Technology Co., Ltd.Treatments:
Endostar protein
Inclusion Criteria:- Histologic confirmation cytology or not in patients undergoing single sputum cytology
in the diagnosis of patients with non-small cell lung cancer;
- according to a new IASLC2009 lung cancer TNM stages judged the preious untreated stage
IIIB or IV non-small cell lung cancer (with the exception of EGFR/ALK mutations type);
- must have at least one according to the RRECIST version 1.1 standard judgment to
evaluate lesions (at least 10 mm, maximum diameter on spiral CT plain CT longest
diameter at least 20 mm);
- male or female, age 18 and 75 years old or less or more;
- ECOG PS 0 ~ 1 minute;
- is expected to survive period for 3 months or more,
- enough blood function: absolute neutrophil count (ANC) or 2 x 109 / L and the platelet
count 100 x 109 / L or higher acuity 9 g/dL and hemoglobin;
- Liver function enough: upper limit of total bilirubin acuities were normal (ULN); AST
and ALT acuities were 2.5 times the upper limit of normal (ULN); Alkaline phosphatase
5 times the upper limit of normal or less (ULN);
- enough renal function, serum creatinine or less normal limit (ULN) or calculated
creatinine clearance or 60 mL/min.
- basic normal ecg, had on the body to heal wounds;
- always not received anti-tumor drug therapy, or always only for non metastatic tumor
of adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemotherapy, but to study treatment has ended more than
six months at the beginning;
- ever had had surgery patients, request to study treatment began to have more than 4
weeks, and the patient has recovered;
- a complete uterus of female in the group within 28 days before the study must have a
negative pregnancy test results (except amenorrhea has 24 months). If the pregnancy
test from the first time for more than 7 days, is the need for urine pregnancy test
validation (within 7 days before the first delivery).
- prior to biological agents, especially e. coli genetically engineered products without
severe allergic reactions;
- signed informed consent.
Exclusion criteria
- pregnancy, nursing mothers, or fertility but not women using contraception;
- the existing serious acute infection, and not be controlled; Or fester sex and chronic
infection, wound in delay no more;
- the original serious heart disease, including: higher risk of congestive heart
failure, unable to control arrhythmia, unstable angina, myocardial infarction, severe
valvular heart disease, and resistant hypertension;
- is not easy to control nerve, mental illness or mental disorders, compliance is poor,
can't cooperate with accounts and response to treatment; Primary brain tumors or CNS
metastases illness did not get a control, has obvious symptoms in cranial hypertension
or nerve spirit;
- with bleeding tendency;
- other researchers believe that patients should not participate in this test.