Erlotinib and Temsirolimus in Treating Patients With Recurrent Malignant Glioma
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
Erlotinib and temsirolimus and may stop the growth of tumor cells by blocking some of the enzymes needed for cell growth. This phase I/II trial is studying the side effects and best dose of temsirolimus when given together with erlotinib and to see how well they work in treating patients with recurrent malignant glioma.Phase:
Phase 1/Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
National Cancer Institute (NCI)Treatments:
Erlotinib Hydrochloride
Inclusion Criteria:- Patients with histologically proven intracranial glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) or
gliosarcoma (GS), anaplastic astrocytoma (AA), anaplastic oligodendroglioma (AO),
anaplastic mixed oligoastrocytoma (AMO), or malignant astrocytoma not otherwise
specified (NOS) will be eligible for this protocol; patients will be eligible if the
original histology was low-grade glioma and a subsequent histological diagnosis of a
malignant glioma is made
- All patients must sign an informed consent indicating that they are aware of the
investigational nature of this study; patients must have signed an authorization for
the release of their protected health information; patients must be registered in the
Adult Brain Tumor Consortium (ABTC) Central Office database prior to treatment with
study drug
- Patients must have a life expectancy > 8 weeks
- Patients must have a Karnofsky performance status of >= 60
- Patients must have recovered from the toxic effects of prior therapy: 4 weeks (28
days) from any investigational agent, 4 weeks (28 days) from prior cytotoxic therapy,
two weeks (14 days) from vincristine, 6 weeks (42 days) from nitrosoureas, 3 weeks (21
days) from procarbazine administration, and 1 week (7 days) for non-cytotoxic agents,
e.g., interferon, tamoxifen, thalidomide, cis-retinoic acid, etc. (radiosensitizer
does not count); any questions related to the definition of non-cytotoxic agents
should be directed to the study chair
- WBC >= 2,000/ul
- ANC >= 1,500/mm^3
- Platelet count of >= 100,000/mm^3
- Hemoglobin >= 10 gm/dl
- Total bilirubin within normal institutional limits
- AST (SGOT)/ALT (SGPT) =< 2.5 X institutional ULN
- Creatinine < 1.5 mg/dL
- Patients must have cholesterol level =< 350 mg/dl and triglycerides level =< 400 mg/dl
- Patients must have shown unequivocal evidence for tumor progression by MRI or CT scan;
a scan should be performed within 14 days prior to registration; the same type of
scan, i.e., MRI or CT must be used throughout the period of protocol treatment for
tumor measurement
- Patients must have failed prior radiation therapy and must have an interval of greater
than or equal to 6 weeks (42 days) from the completion of radiation therapy to study
- Patients with prior therapy that included interstitial brachytherapy or stereotactic
radiosurgery must have confirmation of true progressive disease rather than radiation
necrosis based upon either PET or Thallium scanning, MR spectroscopy or surgical
documentation of disease
- Patients having undergone recent resection of recurrent or progressive tumor will be
eligible as long as all of the following conditions apply:
- They have recovered from the effects of surgery
- Residual disease following resection of recurrent tumor is not mandated for
eligibility into the study; to best assess the extent of residual disease
post-operatively, a CT/ MRI should be done no later than 96 hours in the
immediate post-operative period or at least 4 weeks post-operatively, within 14
days prior to registration; if the 96-hour scan is more than 14 days before
registration, the scan needs to be repeated; if the steroid dose is increased
between the date of imaging and registration, a new baseline MRI/CT is required
on a stable or decreasing steroid dosage for at least 5 days
- PHASE I: Patients may have had treatment for any number of prior relapses; relapse is
defined as progression following initial therapy (i.e. radiation+/- chemo if that was
used as initial therapy)
- PHASE I: For the baseline MRI or CT scan prior to registration, patients in the Phase
I component should be on a steroid dose that has been stable for at least 5 days prior
to the scan; if the steroid dose is increased between the date of imaging and
registration a new baseline MR/CT is required
- PHASE II: Patients may have had treatment for no more than 2 prior relapses; relapse
is defined as progression following initial therapy (i.e. radiation+/- chemo if that
was used as initial therapy); the intent therefore is that patients had no more than 3
prior therapies (initial and treatment for 2 relapses); if the patient had a surgical
resection for relapsed disease and no anti-cancer therapy was instituted for up to 12
weeks, and the patient undergoes another surgical resection, this is considered as 1
relapse; for patients who had prior therapy for a low-grade glioma, the surgical
diagnosis of a high-grade glioma will be considered the first relapse
- PHASE II: Unstained slides or tissue blocks must be available from at least one prior
surgery; if available, frozen tissue is also requested from earlier surgeries
- PHASE II: Patients who are eligible for participation in the phase II component of the
study may be enrolled in a pre-operative study to evaluate biological and/or tissue
- PHASE II: For the baseline MRI or CT scan prior to registration, patients in the phase
II component who are not participating in the pre-operative component of the study
should be on a steroid dose that has been stable for at least 5 days prior to the
scan; if the steroid dose is increased between the date of imaging and registration a
new baseline MR/CT is required
- PHASE II: For the patients in the preoperative component, only a scan showing
progression is required; for this scan only stable steroids are not required;
following surgery, a scan should be done no later than 96 hours or at least 4 weeks
from surgery and on a steroid dose that is stable or decreasing; treatment with
OSI-774 (erlotinib) and CCI-779 (temsirolimus) post-operatively should start no later
than 14 days after the scan; if the 96-hour scan is more than 14 days before treatment
is initiated, the scan needs to be repeated on a stable or decreasing steroid dose
Exclusion Criteria:
- Patients must not be on an enzyme-inducing anti-epileptic drug (EIAED); if previously
on an EIAED, the patient must be off of it for at least two weeks prior to
- Patients must not have any significant medical illnesses that in the investigator's
opinion cannot be adequately controlled with appropriate therapy or would compromise
the patient's ability to tolerate this therapy
- Patients with a history of any other cancer (except non-melanoma skin cancer or
carcinoma in-situ of the cervix), unless in complete remission and off of all therapy
for that disease for a minimum of 3 years are ineligible
- Patients must not have active infection or serious intercurrent medical illness
- Patients must not be pregnant/breast feeding and must agree to practice adequate
contraception; women of childbearing potential must have a negative B-HCG pregnancy
test documented within 7 days prior to registration; patients must not be pregnant;
should a woman become pregnant or suspect she is pregnant while participating in this
study, she should inform her treating physician immediately
- Patients must not have any disease that will obscure toxicity or dangerously alter
drug metabolism
- Patients must not have received prior therapy with CCI-779 (temsirolimus), OSI-774
(erlotinib) or other mTOR or epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors
- HIV-positive patients receiving combination anti-retroviral therapy are excluded from
the study due to possible retro-viral drug interactions