Evaluation of Bay 59-8862 in Patients With Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
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In patients with renal cell cancer, most frequent methods of treatment include surgery, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, and immunotherapy. Renal cell carcinoma is usually considered to be radioresistant and chemoresistant. In patients with metastatic disease, the options are limited. The taxanes are among the most commonly used class of chemotherapy agents in clinical oncology today but they are not effective in renal cancers; the development of Bay 59-8862 targets taxane-resistant tumors and the current protocol is designed to test the safety and efficacy of Bay 59-8862 in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma.Phase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
IDN 5109
Inclusion Criteria: - measurable disease as defined by the presence of at least onemeasurable lesion - prior immunotherapy (up to 2 regimens) or prior radiotherapy is
permitted but at least 4 weeks must have elapsed prior to enter study - life expectancy of
at least 12 weeks - adequate bone marrow, liver and kidney function Exclusion Criteria: -
excluded medical conditions like: pre-existing neuropathy, active heart diseases or
ischemia, serious infections, HIV infection, chronic hepatitis B or C, brain metastasis,
seizures, hypersensitivity to taxanes, organ transplants, some previous cancers - excluded
therapies and medications, previous and concomitant such as: anticancer chemotherapy or
immunotherapy during the study or within 4 weeks prior to study entry; more than two prior
anticancer chemotherapy regimens; radiotherapy during study or within 4 weeks prior to
study entry; bone marrow transplant - others: pregnant or breast-feeding patients; both men
and women enrolled in this trial must use adequate barrier birth control measures during
the course of the trial; substance abuse, medical, psychological or social conditions that
may interfere with the patient's participation.