
Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety of Locally Administered HTX-011 for Postoperative Analgesia Following Bunionectomy

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
A Phase 2, Randomized, Controlled, Multicenter, Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety of Locally Administered HTX-011 for Postoperative Analgesia Following Bunionectomy
Phase 2
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Heron Therapeutics
Inclusion Criteria:

1. Be male or female 18 years of age or older

2. Female subjects are eligible only if all of the following apply:

1. Not pregnant (female subject of child bearing potential must have a negative
serum pregnancy test at screening and negative urine pregnancy test before

2. Not lactating

3. Not planning to become pregnant while participating in the study

4. Be surgically sterile; or be at least two years post-menopausal; or have a
monogamous partner who is surgically sterile; or be practicing double-barrier
contraception; or practicing abstinence (must agree to use double-barrier
contraception in the event of sexual activity); or using an insertable,
injectable, transdermal, or combination oral contraceptive approved by the FDA
for greater than 2 months prior to screening visits and commits to the use of an
acceptable form of birth control for the duration of the study and for 30 days
from completion of the study

3. Male subjects must be surgically sterile (biologically or surgically) or commit to the
use of a reliable method of birth control for the duration of the study until at least
1 week after the administration of study medication

4. Be scheduled to undergo a primary unilateral first metatarsal bunionectomy repair,
without collateral procedures, under regional anesthesia

5. Subject has not had a contralateral bunionectomy in the non-study foot in the past 3

6. Have the ability and be willing to comply with the study procedures.

7. Must be able to understand study procedures and give informed consent for the conduct
for all study procedures, using an IRB approved consent form

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Unwilling to sign informed consent or not willing or able to complete all study

2. Have a contraindication or be allergic to any medication to be used during the trial

3. Have clinically significant cardiac abnormalities that, in the opinion of the
investigator, would pose a health risk to the subject

4. Have American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Physical Status classification system
category ≥4

5. Have clinically significant renal or hepatic abnormalities: for example, AST or ALT >
3x ULN, creatinine > 2x ULN

6. Have another pre-existing painful condition that may confound pain assessments

7. Have another surgery planned within 30 days of procedure

8. Have a known or suspected history of alcohol or drug abuse, or a positive drug screen

9. Currently taking analgesics for a chronically painful condition, or has taken long
acting opioids within 3 days of surgery, or taken any opioids within 24 hours of
scheduled surgery for this study

10. Subjects with documented sleep apnea or are on home continuous positive airway
pressure (CPAP)

11. Subjects who are receiving oxygen therapy at the time of screening

12. Have participated in a clinical trial within 30 days of planned surgery