
Evaluation of the Efficacy and Tolerance of Low Doses of Ethosuximide in the Treatment of Peripheral Neuropathic Pain

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
Evaluation of the efficacy and tolerance of low doses of ethosuximide in the treatment of peripheral neuropathic pain
Phase 2
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
University Hospital, Clermont-Ferrand
Inclusion Criteria:

- Male or female (under effective contraception: pill, implant, IUD, sterilization) aged
18 years or older, suffering from peripheral neuropathic pain (DN4 ≥ 4) for more than
3 months, of intensity ≥ 4 on a numerical scale from 0 to 10, and whose analgesic
treatment has been stable for more than a month,

- Patients affiliated to the French Social Security system,

- Patients whose free and informed consent has been obtained.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Pregnancy (βHCG+ blood) or breastfeeding,

- Neuropathic pain due to spinal cord or brain injury, phantom limb pain or

- Fibromyalgia or algodystrophy,

- Chronic pain syndrome that the patient cannot distinguish and/or is more intense than
peripheral neuropathic pain,

- Patient on antiepileptic drugs (to limit the possible potentiation of adverse
reactions from ethosuximide). If necessary, after agreement with the patient, a 14-day
washout prior to the start of the study will be authorized for inclusion,

- Significant abnormalities in liver (transaminases > 3N, cholestasis) and renal (MDRD <
60 mL/min) tests,

- Ongoing comorbidities: cancer, neurodegenerative pathology

- Severe depressive disorder in progress (as determined by the clinician), history of
suicide attempts or hospitalization for depression,

- Diabetic patients (contraindicated due to the high sugar concentration of
ethosuximide, 3g / 5 ml),

- Patients who have previously received ethosuximide (epilepsy or clinical trial),

- Surgery planned throughout the entire trial,

- Medical and surgical history incompatible with the study,

- Dependence on alcohol and/or drugs (for compliance purposes),

- Known allergy to succinimides (ethosuximide, methsuximide, phensuximide),

- Psychotic disorders,

- Epileptic patients,

- Patients benefiting from a legal protection measure (curatorship, guardianship,
deprived of liberty or subject to judicial safeguard).