Expanded Access of Omegaven IV Fat Emulsion to Infants and Children With PNALD
Approved for marketing
Approved for marketing
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
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This is an expanded access protocol for use of intravenous fish oil infusion, Omegaven, in infants and children with parenteral nutrition associated liver disease (PNALD) to decrease elevated liver enzymes and direct bilirubin. This study aims to describe the response of PNALD after use of Omegaven by normalization of serum levels of liver enzymes and bilirubin.Details
Lead Sponsor:
Hector Hernandez
Inclusion Criteria:1. Pediatric patients aged 0 - 18 yrs
2. Patients will be PN dependent (unable to meet nutritional needs solely by enteral
nutrition). It will be assumed that patients will require parenteral nutrition for at
least 30 days from the inclusion into the study.
3. Patients must have parenteral nutrition associated liver disease (PNALD) as defined as
a direct bilirubin of 2mg/dl or more. Other causes of liver disease should be
excluded. A liver biopsy is not necessary for treatment.
4. 2 consecutive direct bilirubins > 2.0 mg/dl. one week apart.
5. Signed patient informed consent.
6. The patient must have utilized standard therapies as clinically appropriate to prevent
the progression of his/her liver disease. Such therapies could include surgical
treatment, cyclic PN, avoiding overfeeding, reduction/removal of copper and manganese
from PN, advancement of enteral feeding, and the use of ursodiol (i.e.,Actigall).
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Documented cause of chronic liver disease other than parenteral nutrition associated
liver disease.
2. An allergy to any seafood product, egg protein, and/or previous allergy to Omegaven.
3. Active coagulopathy characterized by ongoing bleeding or by a requirement for clotting
factor replacement (e.g. fresh frozen plasma or cryoprecipitate) to maintain
4. Impaired lipid metabolism or severe hyperlipidemia with or without pancreatitis.(e.g.
(triglycerides > 1000mg/dl while receiving intralipid 1g/kg/day or less)
5. Unstable diabetes mellitus or hyperglycemia (Blood glucose >200 mg/dL) at the time of
initiation of Omegaven
6. Currently being treated for stroke, embolism, collapse and shock, myocardial
7. Cholestasis due to any reason other than parenteral associated liver disease
8. Active new infection at time of initiation of Omegaven
9. Hemodynamic instability (e.g. receiving vasopressors) at time of initiation of
10. The patient may not be enrolled in any other clinical trial involving an
investigational agent (unless approved by the designated physicians on the
multidisciplinary team).
11. Known pregnancy.